Black Heart / BLKHRT

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Piracy
  • Freelancing

We are Black Heart

We provide good business for good profits.


This organization is a coalition formed under the traditional articles of John Gow. Blackheart is comprised of free persons who no longer wish to be bound by the Corporations, PMCs, Syndicates, or Imperial governments, and have sworn allegiance to each other to remain as free, independent, and secured in their persons.
Our allegiance lies within our ships and our crews. We made for ourselves a new way of living, one that isn’t tainted by corporate creed or tyrant governments. We seek to usurp the order of things and maintain a free republic for our brothers and sisters.
*Our Organization, our fleets, our ships and our crews represent what our hearts desire. Freedom.

The Black Heart banner symbolizes our code. For the Red banner signifies violence without quarter, The White jawless skull represents our secrecy, the upside down heart- to symbolize our lack of compassion to our enemies, and the hour glass to let you know that your time is up.


Our intentions are to remain as independent ships united under one banner, Each ship captain has a say in the order of business, The Fleet Captains oversee the order of business. The Adjudicators settle disputes within the organization, and oversee that the correct processes are followed.

Our organization is a republic, and your ship and crew are our representatives.

Organizational members may create pacts and or agreements with other organizations as it is encouraged to develop friends in all places, however should one of your organizational allies become “Marked for death” by our organization, we will no longer honor that pact you have with them. We will give no warning, and attack without giving quarter to our enemies.

Members are allowed to independently run their ships as they see fit, unless the Adjudicators and Fleet Captains agree to give a fleet order to arms.

We encourage creativity and ideas within our organization to improve upon ourselves.

Our Membership is through selection- we don’t take on new recruits without first talking with them to make sure they would be a good fit in our organization.

We wanted our membership to mean something more than just a name in a game, in here- you are one of the family, and you are given the opportunity to show your dedication and service, and the rewards you are given will reflect that service.


You will start as a Powder monkey, consider this as your probationary period; It’s not to see how much you play the game- but to how much you interact within the org weather through playtime or associating with fellow members. We understand the challenges life throws at us, and we are accepting to this fact.

Understanding Rank Structure

Rankings are established by time served, time in grade and peer evaluation.

From Tier 0 to Tier 3 will be automatic milestone promotions based on time in service and time in grade via Adjudicators or Fleet Captains.
Tier 4 and 5 will be done by Peer Evaluation votes only.

Ranking Structure is as follows

Tier 0 – Powder Monkey
Tier 1 – Vanguard
Tier 2 – Privateer
Tier 3 – Senior Privateer
Tier 4 – Kopfjäger
Tier 5- Quartermaster

The Roles of which the organization operate by-
- Adjudicator – Oversee democratic processes within Blackheart
- Fleet Captain – Oversee Members and their goals/aspects
- Executive Recruiter – Responsible for screening all Incoming members
- Tradesman – Persons responsible for marketing and branding our image


Per the Articles of privateers and pirates for anyone aboard our ships- as first organized by John Gow.
Within privateer and pirate tradition we maintain these articles.
I. That every person shall obey the ship’s captain in all respects during combat, if the captain should perish, the quartermaster takes command.
II. That no person shall give, or dispose of, the organizations provisions; but every one shall have an equal share.
III. That no person shall openly attack or harass a fellow blackheart upon known conditions, and any persons so offending shall be punished with removal from our organization, without an appeal.
IV. Every person shall have an equal vote in affairs of moment. He shall have an equal title to the provisions or liquors at any time seized, and shall use them at pleasure unless a scarcity makes it necessary for the common good that a retrenchment may be voted.
V. Those that shall desert the ship or their quarters in the time of battle shall be punished by death or marooning
VI. All members aboard our ships are to have their equipment and weapons in good working order and battle ready.
VII. Every person who shall offend against any of these articles shall be punished with being disavowed, or in such other manner as the ship’s company shall think proper.