Black Label / BLKLAB

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Security

Size 5 shot glass required.



Starting in 2.4 and 2.5, a lot of our members were part of an Organization that gained notoriety in the verse for locking down ICC, Kareah and Covalex, and getting paid for our kills with the Public Enemy mechanic. As time went on and the game evolved we drifted apart, but eventually reformed based on our enthusiasm for everything Star Citizen, not just the PvP. We formed Black Label as a place for likeminded people who want to relax, have a laugh, and enjoy the game while maintaining a drive to improve our skills and knowledge.


We are a collection of freelancers, focusing on whatever pays well, or whatever seems fun. We can be hired, and don’t mind bending or breaking laws if the pay is right.


We have one rule:

Respect eachother.

If you do this, there’s no need for more rules.