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Blackstar Group / BLKSTRGRP

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Smuggling

where elite mercenaries and cunning minds converge. With a formidable reputation in security, exploration, and covert ops, we shape the galaxy’s destiny. Embrace the stars and join the ranks of legends.


Founded in the early 29th century, Blackstar quickly rose to prominence as a premier provider of security solutions, military contracts, and strategic consulting services to clients spanning across star systems.

Origins and Foundation:
The Blackstar Group traces its origins back to the visionary leadership of a former UEE (United Empire of Earth) Naval officer, Admiral Marcus Blackwood. After a distinguished military career, Admiral Blackwood retired from active service with the goal of establishing a private organization capable of offering specialized military expertise to both government entities and private corporations.

In 2850, Admiral Blackwood assembled a team of like-minded individuals, including military strategists, engineers, and logistics experts. Together, they founded the Blackstar Group with a clear mission: to provide unparalleled security solutions and military services, leveraging their extensive knowledge and experience.

Early Ventures and Expansion:
Initially, the Blackstar Group focused on offering security services for transportation and logistics companies, safeguarding valuable cargo against pirates, outlaws, and other threats that plagued the vast expanse of space. Their success in these early ventures quickly earned them a reputation for professionalism, efficiency, and reliability.

As their reputation grew, the Blackstar Group expanded its operations, recruiting top-notch mercenaries, combat pilots, and tactical operatives from across the galaxy. With a diverse and highly skilled workforce, they undertook increasingly complex contracts, such as planetary defense, space station security, and even covert operations.

Notable Engagements:
Throughout their history, the Blackstar Group has been involved in numerous significant engagements that have solidified their position as a leading PMC. Some notable examples include:

Operation Steel Fist (2875): The Blackstar Group was contracted by the UEE Navy to assist in the liberation of a strategically vital system from an insurrectionist group. Their tactical expertise and coordination with the Navy’s forces played a pivotal role in the successful campaign.

Battle of Orion Prime (2902): During a large-scale Vanduul incursion, Blackstar was commissioned by the UEE to help defend the crucial Orion Prime system. The company’s fleet, comprising powerful capital ships and skilled pilots, effectively repelled the Vanduul assault, protecting the lives and resources of the system’s inhabitants.

Corporate Conflict on Terra III (2921): Blackstar Group intervened in a violent dispute between two rival corporations on Terra III. Their objective was to ensure the safety of civilian populations and neutralize the threat posed by heavily armed paramilitary forces. The successful resolution of the conflict earned them accolades from the planetary government and reinforced their reputation for swift and effective crisis management.

The Vega Border Dispute (2925-2927):
Blackstar Group was contracted by the UEE to provide security and combat support during a territorial dispute along the Vega border. They defended UEE interests against incursions from neighboring factions, playing a vital role in maintaining control over key strategic assets.

The Nyx Rebellion (2932-2935):
Blackstar Group was hired by a corporate consortium to suppress a rebellion on the Nyx system’s outer planets. The consortium sought to maintain control over valuable mining operations. The conflict involved intense urban warfare and required Blackstar Group to navigate complex political dynamics.

The Chronos Incident (2937):
Blackstar Group was accused of employing excessive force during a mission to quell an uprising on the planet Chronos. Allegations of civilian casualties and unauthorized operations surfaced, leading to investigations by both the UEE and the Advocacy. The incident sparked heated debates within the political and military circles.

The Battle of Caliban (2941):
Blackstar Group was part of a coalition force defending the Caliban system against a large Vanduul incursion. Their expertise in close-quarters combat and defense played a crucial role in repelling the Vanduul assault and preventing the system’s fall into enemy hands.

The Odin Arms Scandal (2946):
Blackstar Group faced public scrutiny following revelations of their involvement in an illegal arms trade with a notorious criminal syndicate. The scandal tarnished their reputation, leading to increased regulatory oversight and strained relationships with certain governments and corporations.

The Rigel System Uprising (2948):
Blackstar Group was contracted by the Rigel System government to quell a major uprising against oppressive leadership. They led a successful campaign, neutralizing rebel forces and restoring stability to the system.

The Ashana Incident (2950):
Blackstar Group was contracted by a private corporation to secure a valuable artifact on the planet Ashana. However, their operation sparked a diplomatic dispute with the native species, as the corporation’s actions were deemed a violation of Ashana’s cultural and environmental integrity.

Corporate Structure and Assets:
As the Blackstar Group expanded, it developed a robust corporate structure to manage its operations efficiently. The company is organized into several divisions, including logistics, intelligence, combat operations, and strategic consulting. Each division is headed by experienced leaders, responsible for overseeing their respective areas of expertise.

The Blackstar Group possesses a diverse fleet of military vessels, ranging from nimble fighters and gunships to massive capital ships capable of engaging in large-scale battles. In addition to their formidable fleet, they maintain ground-based assets, including heavily armored vehicles, support craft, and advanced weapons systems.

Ethics and Code of Conduct:
The Blackstar Group prides itself on adhering to a strict code of conduct, prioritizing professionalism, integrity, and ethical practices. Their mercenaries undergo rigorous training and are expected to act within the bounds of interstellar laws and regulations. Blackstar’s commitment to upholding these values has contributed to its long-standing reputation as a dependable and responsible organization.

From its humble beginnings to its current status as a renowned intergalactic PMC, the Blackstar Group


We, the members of the Blackstar Group, come together with a shared vision to uphold justice, protect the innocent, and ensure the safety and stability of the galaxy we call home. As an intergalactic private military company operating in the Star Citizen universe, we pledge to employ our expertise, honor, and strength to forge a safer and prosperous future for all.

Guardians of Peace and Prosperity:
The primary objective of the Blackstar Group is to maintain peace and ensure prosperity across star systems. We shall deploy our skilled mercenaries, state-of-the-art technology, and tactical prowess to safeguard our clients, allies, and the civilian populations from all threats, be it piracy, aggression, or tyranny.

Unwavering Integrity:
We place the highest value on integrity and ethics in all our dealings. The Blackstar Group adheres to a strict code of conduct, committing ourselves to act lawfully, with respect for life, liberty, and the principles that uphold civilized societies. Our actions shall always be just, transparent, and in accordance with interstellar laws.

Expertise and Specialization:
The Blackstar Group prides itself on its exceptional expertise and specialization. Our dedicated divisions, staffed by highly trained professionals, excel in their respective fields, including logistics, intelligence, combat operations, and strategic consulting. We continuously strive for excellence, adapting and evolving to face emerging challenges.

Collaboration and Diplomacy:
While our strength lies in military prowess, we recognize the importance of collaboration and diplomacy. We shall actively seek peaceful resolutions whenever possible, engaging in dialogue and negotiations to resolve conflicts without resorting to unnecessary violence. Our goal is to foster understanding and cooperation among all parties involved.

Defense of the Helpless:
The Blackstar Group stands as the shield of the defenseless and oppressed. We vow to protect the innocent from harm, providing aid and support to those affected by conflicts and disasters. Our compassion and empathy drive us to aid the vulnerable and strive to bring relief to those in need.

Respect for Sovereignty:
We respect the sovereignty of star systems and their governing bodies. The Blackstar Group shall never interfere in the internal affairs of any system or impose our will upon others. We work hand-in-hand with legitimate authorities, providing our services with utmost loyalty and responsibility.

Continuous Innovation:
In the pursuit of excellence, we shall embrace continuous innovation and advancement. The Blackstar Group invests in research and development to equip our personnel with cutting-edge technology, empowering them to face the challenges of tomorrow.

Honoring Contracts:
When entrusted with a mission, the Blackstar Group holds its contracts sacred. We shall fulfill our obligations to the letter, dedicating our resources and capabilities to achieving the objectives set forth in each agreement. Our reputation for reliability and success is built on the foundation of our unwavering commitment to our clients.

As the stars illuminate the cosmos, so shall the Blackstar Group illuminate the path to a brighter future. We stand united in our mission, dedicated to safeguarding lives, preserving peace, and fostering prosperity across the universe of Star Citizen. With honor, integrity, and courage as our guiding principles, we take the oath to be the beacon of hope, justice, and order in the face of darkness. Together, as the Blackstar Group, we embrace the responsibility of shaping a better tomorrow for all.


The name of this intergalactic private military company shall be the Blackstar Group, hereinafter referred to as “the Company.”

Section 2: Purpose
The purpose of the Company is to provide security solutions, military contracts, and strategic consulting services to clients within the Star Citizen universe. The Company shall operate with the utmost professionalism, integrity, and efficiency, upholding the principles of justice, protection, and prosperity.

Article II: Governance and Structure
Section 1: Leadership
The Company shall be led by a Board of Directors consisting of experienced individuals chosen for their expertise in military operations, business management, and strategic planning. The Board shall make key decisions, provide guidance, and oversee the Company’s operations.

Section 2: Divisions and Departments
The Company shall establish specialized divisions and departments to efficiently manage its various operations. These divisions may include logistics, intelligence, combat operations, strategic consulting, and any other necessary divisions as deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors.

Article III: Code of Conduct and Ethics
Section 1: Professionalism and Integrity
All members of the Company, from leadership to employees, shall adhere to a strict code of conduct that upholds professionalism, integrity, and ethical behavior. They shall act lawfully, respecting the rights and dignity of all individuals, and conducting themselves in a manner that brings honor to the Company.

Section 2: Compliance with Laws and Regulations
The Company shall operate in full compliance with interstellar laws and regulations, respecting the sovereignty and legal systems of each star system in which it operates. Members shall be aware of and adhere to all relevant laws, treaties, and agreements.

Section 3: Respect for Human Rights and Civil Liberties
The Company shall respect and protect the human rights and civil liberties of all individuals, regardless of their race, gender, religion, or background. No member shall engage in any discriminatory or oppressive actions, and any violation of human rights shall be promptly reported and addressed.

Article IV: Services and Operations
Section 1: Security Solutions
The Company shall provide security solutions to clients, including the protection of assets, personnel, and infrastructure. This may involve patrolling trade routes, defending against pirate attacks, ensuring planetary and space station security, and other security-related services as required.

Section 2: Military Contracts
The Company shall engage in military contracts, offering its expertise, personnel, and resources to support clients in various military operations. These contracts may involve planetary defense, offensive campaigns against hostile entities, and the provision of military support to allied forces.

Section 3: Strategic Consulting
The Company shall offer strategic consulting services to clients seeking expert advice on military and security matters. This may include assessing risks, developing security plans, and providing recommendations on defense strategies.

Article V: Recruitment and Training
Section 1: Recruitment
The Company shall recruit highly skilled individuals who demonstrate exceptional competence, professionalism, and dedication to the Company’s mission and values. Recruitment practices shall be fair, transparent, and based on merit.

Section 2: Training and Development
The Company shall invest in the training and development of its personnel to ensure they possess the necessary skills, knowledge, and expertise required to fulfill their roles effectively. Ongoing professional development programs shall be implemented to keep members abreast of the latest technologies, tactics, and best practices.

Article VI: Amendments to the Charter
Section 1: Amendments
This Charter may be amended by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. Proposed amendments must be submitted in writing and distributed to all members of the Company at least thirty (30) days prior to the vote.