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Black Lounge Lizards / BLL

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Exclusive
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

Ohan, welcome to our humble dojo,
We are the Black Lounge Lizards a group of old and new friends working our way to glory.
est. January 22, 2944.


Based on a longstanding fellowship in Calgary, Cascadia Economic Zone, Earth, Sol-system.
The BLL’s origins are in the SCA, Calcon, Conversion, Simcon, U of C War-Gaming and D&D clubs of the 2900s (CE).
We have since expanded our base of operations to embrace the larger Verse.
Advancement is based upon situation, familiarity, time and gaming experience within the organization.
Presently membership is by invitation only. Inquiries may be made via any of our recruiting officers.
Thank you for your interest,
Master Betty


Be most excellent to each other


Party on.