Bloodfin / BLOODFIN

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Exploration
  • Security

While the faint of heart shrink from challenge, we embrace it. We are Bloodfin


Hello and Welcome to Bloodfin, a Star Wars Galaxies EMU server organization! We are spreading our wings here! On our Star Wars Galaxies Server crafting and resources is done the old fashioned way. Jedi content is wide open, and Jedi are unlocking every day. We have JTL Basic Flight !! Atmospheric and Space ! We have incorporated many NGE perks into our Pre CU code, such as BARC Speeders, NGE Trade Card Game Houses, and having the ability to buff without a Hospital/cantina. We are a true custom best of both worlds EMU Server. Custom Boss fights, world encounters, and GCW items abound. The Force Ranking PvP system is LIVE on the server. We have alot to offer, theres always something to do!


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