Black Pilgrims Corporation / BPCORP

  • Faith
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Engineering

Welcome to Black Pilgrims Corporation. If your faith is strong enough, visit our Recruitment section for career opportunities.


Coming from the Sirius system, the Black Pilgrims is a rare, unique faction. They have totally devoted themselves to explore the farthest reaches of space. Contact with other races is avoided if possible, though they have no aggressive stance against anyone. Neither they have any interest or relationship with other “low profile” organizations.

“Truth is always congruous and agrees with itself; every truth in the universe agrees with all others”


What We Are Looking For:

We are looking for players to share in our endeavour. Either if you are a freelancer, explorer, bounty-hunter, racer, merchant or else, your craving for the unknown is all that is required to join us.

What We Offer:

-A most friendly environment, our aim is to enjoy and share our passion for space with others.
-Unlike other organizations, we will rather be a small, low-profile organization. Looking for “grandeur”? This is not the place.


One of our main goals is to reach the deepest boundaries of space, chart every quark, master all paths other than those of the conventional voyager.


To achieve that, we will build a shared wealth structure. Total satisfaction to our customers is paramount. They pay, we care…


It is not our concern to fight. However, no matter how fearful the odds, we will face them if need be.

Members will have access to our private comms channel for mission scheduling, training and coordination.

Meet you in the stars!


BFC rules can be briefly summarized as follows:

-. Treat everyone respectfully.

-. Do no harm to BFC members, their wealth or reputation.

-. Keep a friendly and cooperative attitude.

-. Help BFC members whenever possible, without undue risk for one’s self.

-. To uphold operational agreements and plans of the Corporation.