Black Pants Legion / BPLN

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Smuggling

The Black Pants Legion is a colorful group of misfits who bow to none but z0rg and have no drive save that of filling their cargo holds to bursting and beyond. Where only the strong survive and the weak end up stuck amid the endless twists and turns of the great labyrinthine cargo bays of Cargonia.


The Black Pants Legion (BPLN) was started April 1st, 1893 with the establishment of the great nation of Cargonia. The BPLN has since been the defacto rulers, administrators, defenders, and cargo… “acquirers” of the nation.


The BPLN strives for worker’s “rights” and “equality” in all aspects of cargo acquisition. With the long-standing traditions of “do not be a rude coward” and “No, do NOT jettison the cargo” the BPLN has spent the decades building its underground reputation of “Not being rude cowards” and “Not jettisoning the cargo.”


1. Do not be a rude coward.
2. Do NOT jettison the cargo.