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Bretonia Armed Forces / BRAF

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Welcome to the Bretonia Armed Forces!

We looking mainly for german speaking players, but if you are an Freelancer fan, u need at least some english knowledge.

I hope u are interested in our org and we can join forces!



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Tuesday, 25th of August 2015
Organization created on Tuesday, 25th of August 2015

Founders: Ingri, Schmetatron

Money we got for the BRAF Glorious: 23.000 UEC

3 new vessels:
Schmetatron: MUSTANG ALPHA
Ingri092: AURORA MR

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Logbook from the BRAF Glorious
Last Entry 803 A.S Tuesday, 24th of August 2015
From General Schmetatron

After destroying the main HQ of the Nomads we made an amazing discovery. The Nomads tried to build a big Jumpgate, and it looks like they where almost done. We tought that this will bring us back to the SOL-System. After a few days of construction from our techs on the jumpgates we finally got it going.

We decided that we, the Bertonian Armed Forces, go first through the gate. The travel felt very unstable. As we arrived we thought we will have the next huge battle with the Nomads, but there was nothing in sight. As we looked behind us, there was no jumpgate, neither a jumphole. There was nothing but space, unknown space.

I think that this was an escape plan from the Nomads, a one way jumpgate. But that’s just my opinion.

On the long travel we received very heavy damage and high losses on the Crew. Our engine was dead, so we couldn’t control where we go. The lifesupport system was barely working.

After a few days we where discovered by a small minig fleet. They pulled us to the next station where the police was waiting for us to answer some questions. We didnt know if they belived us or not, but they took our ship and gave us three small ones as well as a few UEC back.

So now we standing here, in middle of nowhere, with new Ships, no Crew and low budget.
But we said to ourself, that we will rise again and we will rebuild our Organisation for the day, when the Bretonian are finally coming back home.


Currenttly under construction


Rules in the Bretonia Armed Forces

We have three ranks of offence. Each rank has a different amount of punishment

Easy offense
  • No abuse/flaming – not in Chat neither in Teamspeak (= monetary fine)
  • Spaming in Chat (= monetary fine)
Middle offense
  • Destroy allied Ship (=if you do so on purpouse, you have to pay the full ship + cargo + gear)
Heavy offense
  • Destroy constantly allied Ships (= kick + Bounty)
  • Leaveing the Organization without giving notice (= Bounty)

More Rules will follow!


Still under construction