Brawl Mart Corporate / BRAWLMART

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Trading
  • Security

Here at Brawl Mart Corporate we seek to create a network of roving merchants whose ranks range from the Drake Kraken Privateer to the Argo MPUV-1C. Our goal is to provide networking services to screen potential customers, allies, and mercenaries that you will need to run your business.


Formed in the aftermath of the crippling cargo shortages of 2951, the need for active communication and networking between the merchants of the verse became readily apparent.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


1) Civility Above All.

No matter the disagreement or dispute, civility will be enforced in this community. Leave your drama at the door. If you have a problem with another player bring it up with a member of the Executive Board rather than escalating the issue.

2) Reputation, Not Profession.

We are here to make a profit. We do not judge our customers on their adherence to any set of solar or galactic laws, rather by how they conduct themselves as a citizen of the stars. There exits both civil minded pirates and unscrupulous lawmen. Our priority is to identify and trade with citizens who conduct themselves with integrity. If you harbor any disagreements with another citizen’s profession, keep them to yourself and out of the corporations business.

3) The Game is the Game.

This is a casual organization. No commitment is expected of you, your real life and own priorities come first. However, this does mean that we ask that you keep any real world drama or issues outside of the game when conducting business within the corporation.

4) Your Store, Your Rules.

Beyond the rules outlined in this charter, each Franchisee and Store Manager has full control over their domain. You make the rules on your ship. As such all corporation members aboard your ship are expected to follow your rules. You are also expected to extend the same respect to any others within the corporation whose vessels you board.

Additional rules, consequences, and penalties are still being considered so feel free to make your suggestions known. The charter will be updated once the rules are finalized and voted upon.