Brightside Locationscouts Inc. / BRIGHTSIDE

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Scouting
  • Exploration

Welcome to Brightside Locationscouts Inc.
Wether you seek locations for a new movie or even an extraordinary party, YOU name it WE seek it.
A tailored offer for even the most unusual commissions.
Call us 1-800-BRIGHTSIDE. Always the sunny side up!


Brightside is one vision, one team.
We strive for the limits of kown space and beyond.
For us there is no such thing as history bygone, only history to be made.


Space is limitless, to seek out that very specific spot you never dared to imagine is our destiny.

Our clients deserve only the best.

Therefore only a handful of talented scout pilots with a feeling for cinematics and aesthetics will be eligible to join our ranks. Additionaly we are employing highly efficient, low profile fighter pilots to fly escort on our most crucial contracts.


All associates, partners and clients alike are to be treated with the utmost courtesy and respect.
We expect and guarantee absolute discretion about our contracts regarding third parties.
We expect absolute loyalty to our beloved company.
You can expect an exciting and thrilling, nonetheless secure working environment.
You can expect gratitude and premium bonusses if you fulfill or surpass the companies expectations.