• PMC
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

We are BERSERK, we are one, justice is coming, but with smile.


BERSERK was built since we want to get famous and we see a lot of player ass kicked by other players that only want kill and ruin happiness of others players.
So we say STOP. BERSERK will protect and save inocent players,merchandise transport and will chase pirates.
Every member of the organisation will be welcomed by his actions, vengeance await every people that touch a member of BERSERK, we will create with our labor a great armada.
We are BERSERK, we are one, fear us, justice is coming.
Join us.( it will be fun, let’s kick some trolls)

BERSERK mean Something, and actually yeah, we play like that aswell.


We want to create an armada who can help each other the hardcore way, like a real crew.
Market operation and escort will be principal objective, but Bounty hunter will be also important.
Alliance with market organisation are objective that we cannot understimate.
Make BERSERK a primordial organisation for RSI, know for everyone, respected.

We see ourself in the future of star Citizen but aswell in the present, so we know that some things in the CHARTER will not be possible for the moment but we will do the best we can.

HQ is a 890 jump.

We want as well a goliath (check the CHARTER)

We will put the refercal code cause we want a Javelin for everybody in the organistion, and when will get it, we will switch the code for that a lot of the crew can have it, FOT GLORY: STAR-2×7F-VW4G

But never forget, fun is law, so dont be so serious.


-EVERY BODY IS WELCOME FOR THE MOMENT! cause we like people and hope you understand we want to be high, but never forget, no, no, NO NO NO PIRATES allowed, consequence wiill be there.

- Help each other in need. (ex:ask for bigger ship if needed, everybody is kindly to considare the task, like dont be 100 for just a small things)

-Vengeance for every one who dare enjoy kill member of the organisation to often. (2 times is often)

-Smile, life is fun, we understand rage but cool.

-Respect the grades, and orders of yours superiors, is not roleplay, but a question of organisation (dont worry it will not be the army it will be like cover left side things like that)

-Superior need to respect low grades aswell.

-SPEAK FRIENDLY GUYS, even to the boss (is funny), but respect.

-Contract is a contract, no betreyal, no thief, die if you need to but just DO IT.

-High ships are not an obligation

-Speak with a Superior for any problem

-BERSERK can ask for money (in the gamel) for the orgnisation for buy ships, staff, who will be profitable for everyone. You can refuse, there will be no consequence be happy. But think well, the crew will matters.

- BERSERK can give you a ship for some Reason, for life or just for a mission.

-BERSERK will give armour and weapons as gift for grades, good behaviour, things like that.

-Contract can have specification, if the client allow you to come aboard for escort, lets go.

-WE WILL DO EVENTS, cause its awesome.

-THE CREW HAS to grow up, its a primary objective, so we can for sure make our dreams come true, give gift for organisation, collect a little bit of money for the crew, put in for weapons and things like that etc.

-GOLLIATH IS A LAW, we will get it, no matter we need to do.

- Every ships buy the organisation will not be for personnal purpose, we will give the money to a member or buy capital ship, but never for ourself;