Black Sword Security / BSS1

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Security

KTF” – “Kill Them First”


Black Sword Security


Black Sword Security was founded on the 18th of December, 2019. It was founded by Grimtastic, Oxsis and Prometheus. The idea was to form a regular, organised and easy going group in order to explore, interact and exploit the Star Citizen universe through the lens of a para-military organisation.

Black Sword Security Lore

Black Sword Security was formed in 2947 during The Vanduul War. Following Operation Mandrake, fellow veterans who were nearing the end of their enlistment contracts began to discuss what they would do as civilians. After a lengthy discussion, these individuals decided that due to their extensive space combat experience and vast knowledge of life in space, they would be better served finding employment in space borne activities. Upon this revelation, the decision was made to establish a security firm that could offer its services to systems needing extra manpower in support of the Militia Mobilization Initiative.

Why join us?

Black Sword Security offers fun and organised team based game play and elements of RP to the Star Citizen experience. When it comes to the RP element, BSS is a para-military organisation that has several corps that you can join based on your own interests. This allows freedom and for you to specialise within your selected corp. As BSS expands and grows, more opportunities will surely open up. From our experiences in MMOs and multiplayer games that revolve around realism; organisation, teamwork and enjoyment (Enjoying the game for what it is) are paramount within these such groups.There is always a balance when it comes to being a part of a group. We believe that there is a time to be serious and a time to relax, have a laugh and enjoy some banter. While we would like members to be active as much as possible, BSS understands that personal ‘real life’ situations take priority and no one will be seen in negative light if anyone needs to take a leave of absence.


What do we do?

A para-military organisation that focuses on security and freelancing roles . However, BSS does seek other avenues for resource gain when required, such as bounty hunting and general trade.

Recruitment Details

Follow the provided link and fill out the application – Link TBC

Further details to be added

Recruitment Requirements

In order to join, you will require:
  • Headset/Mic
  • Discord
  • Ability to communicate
  • Take Initiative
  • Teamwork
  • Respect


Rules and Regulations

Black Sword Security holds high standards and wishes to contribute to the Star Citizen community in a meaningful and productive manner. This means that the following rules and regulations are to be followed and respected at all times while a part of this mercenary company.

1) Loyal only to BSS
Serving members must have no affiliation with other organisations.

2) Follow the command hierarchy
Follow the commands of members who have higher rank.

3) Abide by interplanetary laws
Serving members of BSS are to work alongside local law enforcement and are to abide by the rule of law. Authourisation required if contracts are ‘complicated’ in nature.

3B) Serve with honour
BSS members are to act with respect, courage, honour and with a sense of purpose. Members of BSS reflect the organisation of which they serve and ultimately shape its reputation in the view of the public and UEE government officials. Maintaining high standards of efficiency and moral integrity ensures contracts and our success.

4) Maintain uniforms
Active uniform that is appropriate to your designated corp is to be warn at all times. Casual wear only to be worn when on leave.