Blue Star Trading Company / BSTC

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Transport

Trade has always been a necessity for Humanity, from exotic goods, to staples. We aspire to carry a wide variety of goods for Trade, and in the event that you need goods moved. We also offer location-to-location goods Transport services.


The Founders of BSTC would like to inform you that we are currently revising this segment, and will be updating it shortly. Thank you for your patients.


We at Blue Star Trading Company™ hold you, out customer to the highest regard.

We promise to dedicate ourselves to providing the Transportation that your goods deserve. Reaching their destination without hassle and on time.

We guarantee that your Trades will be secure and without the black mark of stolen goods.

For at Blue Star Trading Company™ we dedicate ourselves, to giving you the best quality of service, and goods we can provide, without any short-cuts that others may take to improve their profits.

Galaxy woes got you down? Pirates raiding your trade routes? Has trying to be cost effective ended up with contractors stealing your goods? then Blue Star can help.
Blue Star Trading Company™ is a high priority trade and transport service. We provide a reliable service that will not let you down. We are willing to work in UEE and Lawless space, we also specialize in the Xi’an and Banu trade routes. No job is too big or to small for us to handle.
Everything goes through the Aleos brothers the Co-Founders of Blue Star Trading Company™, so there is no risk involved with these military trained transport specialists. Blue Star Trading Company™ employs only those who come with high regard and pass stringent screening.

Blue Star Trading Company™‘s contract parameters follow no strict guidelines upon whom we partake in business with, unless they are of known poor business quality or pirates. This ensures that our trade methods are unknown to any pirate bodies guarantees a level of professional safety, security privacy.

Blue Star Trading Company™ works in specially picked 2-5 man trade teams© in order to ensure that your product is protected by the best assembled group suited to the contract. We use special pricing algorithms that take into account all possible variables, this includes;
  • Location.
  • Known Threats.
  • Amount of cargo.
  • Fuel consumption.
  • Distance from point of Origin.

This ensure our customers the best possible value for money*

*Price negotiating is possible


We must uphold our values, and thus uphold our visions that will guide us to become better among many.

Blue Star Trading Company ™ Code of Ethics and Business Standards
As system by system laws may vary, we will strive to adhere to all local system laws, as well as those set by the UEE, under the Advocacy Legal Business Agreement.

Black Market Trading and Smuggling:

BSTC™ in no way condones the action of knowledgeable Black Market Trade, or smuggling of goods between UEE and other parties space. These actions are to be highly discouraged among members, and will result in disciplinary actions.

Bribes and Bribery:

BSTC™ fully opposes bribery in all forms, and will freely give the identity of all involved parties over to the Advocacy for further processing.

Compliance to local System Laws:

Within possible reason BSTC™ will adhere to all local system laws, unless such laws conflict with the UEE sanctioned laws as policed by the Advocacy.

Fair Chance Act:

BSTC™ is in full compliance of the Fair Chance Act, opposing any action that may cause a breaking of this Act, and will freely give information regarding knowledge of any disregard for the Fair Chance Act to any and all concerned parties who are in pursuit of the accused.

Goods and Service Quality:

Upholding to the highest standards of Goods and Services, BSTC™ will guarantee all transactions with a money back guarantee, including replacement or repairs of any goods that are damaged, or missing.

Cross-Corporation Dealings:

No Corporation can go it alone, without any form of assistance. As such BSTC™ will deal with a variety of Corporations to assist them in providing the goods and Services they have promised to any and all Clients. If a conflict of interest occurs between the Client and the Third party Corporation, alternate methods will be chosen, as not to break contract with the Client.

Inter-Species communication and relations:

BSTC™ will acknowledge and respect all other cultures, religions, business practices, customs and Species that it many encounter throughout the universe, and will comply with any local Laws and Regulations that are administered as such.

Aggression policy:

BSTC™ holds no standard of aggression to any parties. This will become void if the second party commences any form of hostile actions. Three warning will be given to any possible hostile action to cease, or alter course. If after the third warning the second party does not respond, BSTC™ reserves the right to return hostile action.

Maturity Compliance:

All staff of BSTC™ are expected to maintain a level of maturity when dealing with all clients, and third party Organisations. It is expected this maturity will be received and reacted upon with an equal manner.

Local Time zones:

As all Systems carry their own personal timezone, BSTC™ cannot guarantee that staff will be available continually, and consistently. We accept that some staff may be asleep when others are awake.

Roleplaying Policies:

Within BSTC™ we are expectant that all members wish to partake in roleplaying activities, and will conduct all Organisation based missions, contracts, and other such events, with that assumption. Acting as a Heavily Roleplay focused Organisation.