Bearded Space Viking Collective / BSVC

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Trading

Originally the Bengstdotter-Stendahl Voyage Corporation, BSVC is better known by the other nickname used by friends and enemies, the Bearded Space Viking Collective. BSVC is, at its heart, a family organization devoted to bettering the lives of members and allies.


The Bengtsdotter-Stendahl Voyage Corporation

Founders: Niklas Bengtsdotter, Erik Stendahl

Original Members: ~300 separatist colonists.

Niklas Bengtsdotter and Erik Stendahl grew up together on Terra. Their fathers, Mitchell and Jose, met during the Second Tevarin War – Jose Stendahl was a bomber pilot and Mitchell Bengtsdotter a Marine. After Mitchell’s drop-pod malfunctioned, slamming him into the surface of a disputed planet without slowing, Stendahl responded to Bengtsdotter’s emergency beacon – putting himself and his ship in danger to rescue the wounded Marine. Bengtsdotter survived the crash with the loss of one leg. Stendahl and Bengtsdotter became fast friends, an enduring friendship that outlasted the war and their enlistments. The two decided to settle on Terra III, where they found work for a small planetary shipping corporation, met and married their wives, and had children.

The war, and the Empire’s treatment of Bengtsdotter after his injury, left both men with bitter resentment towards the UEE. Bengtsdotter was given the most basic replacement limb available as part of the standard, and much maligned, health plan for wounded veterans. Mitchell was expected to pay for any upgrades he desired. The prosthetic leg was a low-end, mass-produced, robotic limb with limited movement and no neural control. It became a constant reminder of the sacrifice Mitchell made and the lack of appreciation received.

In time, Mitchell and Jose blamed the Empire for the war, even though it was the Tevarin who started both wars. The two men felt the conflicts would have been avoided if it wasn’t for the UEE’s aggressive expansionist policies.

When the Separatist Movement gained traction on Terra in the 2630s, Mitchell and Jose were inaugural members. The movement failed, rumored at the hands of UEE Advocacy Agents, and many of the members – including Mitchell – were arrested as terrorists. Jose lobbied unsuccessfully to get his friend released, spending much of his and Mitchell’s life savings in court and attorney fees. Mitchell died in prison three years after his arrest, and Jose died poor in a UEE Veteran’s Home.

Niklas and Erik were raised in a very anti-Empire environment. Their fathers often railed against the practices of the Empire, and how the galactic expansion of humanity, the unification of all members under one banner, and the inclusion of aliens in their society combined to erode any sense of cultural identity and individualism. This, coupled with the boys’ fascination with Ancient Earth History, led to the idea of the Bengtsdotter-Stendahl Voyage.

Niklas and Erik became enamored with the romantic notion of their Scandinavian names. Centuries away from Northern Europe, and generations away from their progenitors, the two boys were Northern European in name only. The glamour of their cultural heritage appealed to them, however. It was Niklas who first suggested that, like their ancient ancestors, the two should “go a viking” and found their own colony outside the UEE, using the Viking system of governance as a model.

As teens, the idea was nothing more than a fantasy. But, as the harsh reality of adulthood claimed a firm grasp on their lives, the fantasy became more appealing. The two began to seriously consider the idea after their parents died and left them with no real tether to Terra.

It was clear from the start the men could not afford the voyage – they couldn’t even afford passage on a ship. They toyed with the idea of hiring themselves onto a ‘forming expedition – trading indentured servitude for a chance at their own plot of land on a newly terraformed planet – but tossed it out the airlock. They didn’t just want property on the fringes of space, they wanted to form a new type of society.

They found their answer within the remnants of the Separatist Movement. The disenfranchised separatists felt much as Niklas and Erik, and soon drunken musings became serious discussion. In 2647, Niklas and Erik registered the Bengtsdotter-Stendahl Voyage Corporation (BSVC) with the UEE Trade Commission. The formation of a corporation allowed the two to seek investors with the ultimate goal of purchasing at least one ship and hiring others to fly the corporation members to a new uninhabited or sparsely populated planet. For the investors not seeking to be a part of the new community, BSVC offered exclusive mining and trading contracts. In 2656, nine years after the initial registration of BSVC, the corporation had obtained the necessary funds for the expedition. The Bengtsdotter-Stendahl Voyage would become a reality.

BSVC settled on an relatively uninhabited planet in the Min system. Min was chosen for two main reasons: one, it was in unclaimed space and belonged to no specific government; two, it was only two jumps from Terra and therefore the cheapest system to meet their requirements.

Niklas Bengtsdotter and Erik Stendahl, along with two hundred eighty-seven other would-be separatists and colonists, founded the city of Breidablik (later shortened to Breida) – named after the mythical home of the Old Norse God, Thor – in 2657. The colonists decided to retain BSVC; the corporation became an integral part of the colony’s early existence.

As the decades, and eventually centuries, went by, BSVC became less a company or colony, and more an almost cult-like clan. The romanticized Viking governing style, which allowed for much personal freedom while at the same time requiring obedience to the corporation and it’s CEO, or “Jarl”, created an atmosphere of familial responsibility between all members.

But Breida was not Utopia. The Min System was one of several lawless, ungoverned systems on the fringe of UEE territory. Pirates, criminal organizations, fugitives, and alien expatriates made it their home. And the leaders of BSVC found their Viking-style system of governance gave them much leeway in what was considered legal and what wasn’t. The ultimate rule was simple: do not harm other BSVC members, and do not unilaterally engage in actions which could bring harm to other members. Those who had ships began to “go a viking” at the pleasure of the Jarl or Thanes. Raids on other settlements, planets, and shipping lanes were not uncommon, provided they were approved of by the leadership. A small tax was applied to anything looted – the money going into the BSVC coffers, ostensibly for the benefit of the entire corporation.

BSVC earned a reputation for being ruthless in battle, but fair in trade. With the passing of time, and the subtle cultural changes time brings, the original name and mission of BSVC was forgotten. A new name came about, brought on by the allies and enemies of BSVC. The name may have been intended as a slight or joke, but BSVC members embraced and adopted it for its simplicity and acknowledgment of a common physical affectation of the male members: they became the “Bearded Space-Viking Collective.”

Over two hundred years after its founding, BSVC was a quasi-criminal organization running the planet the original colonists first settled on. BSVC engaged in all endeavors, some legal and some not so legal. But the Jarl and his Thanes always managed to keep their Thingmen in check and prevented them from engaging in any activity which could bring the wrath of the UEE, the Xi’An, or Banu authorities.

In the year 2919, the UEE finally came down on the original BSVC. Advocacy agents infiltrated BSVC and, over time, obtained enough evidence of crimes against UEE citizens to warrant an assault on BSVC headquarters by UEE Marines. The ensuing battle, and arrests, depopulated Breida and turned a once proud organization to ruin.

Decades later, two surviving sons of BSVC Thanes, Erik McKetten and Aeron “Badger” Staalborg, met in the wastes of space. Each possessing inherited Origin 300 series ships, the only remnants of their once proud families, they rashly decided to reform BSVC. Two young men, sporting the same style of beards that made their fathers infamous, set out across the vast reaches of space to reclaim the name and glory of their ancestors.

Read more of the history of BSVC, and its rebirth, here:


We represent what was once lost. We are Huginn and Munin – thought and memory – we remember what once was and plan to reclaim all and more.

If the Master of the Hunt fails to slaughter all the boars, his Thane will find no peace. The trees will continue to be gored; the hives will be turned and the honey sour. The Mead will go unmade. And the boars will multiply, will return, and will seek all they have lost.

The Master of the Hunt failed. Some boars remain, and those boars sharpen their tusks on the jagged rocks left behind. Those boars burrow through the underbrush that cannot be seen and strike at the most abundant trees, at the fattest hives, and the sweetest meats.

We go a viking – not for joy, not for profit. We go a viking – for glory, for honour, and for the restless souls of ancestors wronged.


The basic tenets of BSVC are based on ancient and proven rules of honor, family, and work. The creed is a simple one:

  • This day shall I Speak with the Truth, that no man may Speak against me.
  • This day shall I live with Honour, for Honour is the path to Respect.
  • This day shall I live with Courage, for my Fate is written: no man may hasten my Doom.
  • This day shall I maintain Fidelity, for I am only as good as the Promises I keep.
  • This day shall I live with Discipline, for I have Promises to keep.
  • This day shall I offer Hospitality and receive it with Gladness, for we all drink of the same Horn.
  • This day shall I be Industrious, that my Family not suffer for Idleness of my Hands.
  • This day shall I be Self-reliant, for my Fortune begins and ends with me: how I meet my Fate is my Choice.
  • And this day shall I Persevere through every trial that Tomorrow I raise my head and greet a new day.

The members of BSVC shall swear fealty to the Fyrstr, his Jarls, their Thanes, and learn this Creed. The Creed is a promise to honor our core values, or Noble Virtues, as set down by our Ancient and Learned Ancestors, Niklas Bengtsdotter and Erik Stendahl, may they hunt fatted game and enjoy the sweetest mead in the Halls of Valhalla.

The core values, the Noble Virtues of Good Men, as defined by our founders:
  1. Courage: Remain true to one’s brethren in both battle and life. A courageous person faces all that comes at them, knowing their Fate has already been seen and sealed. It is not their duty to tempt Fate, or defy it, but to face it, stare it down, and declare, “I accept you for what you are, find me courageous and bold.”
  2. Truth: To speak the truth, and accept the truth, without reservation and in the face of all its consequences, is a sign of courage and faithfulness. Honesty is paramount to all good men and women.
  3. Honour: There can be no truth, nor courage, without honour. Honour is knowing right from wrong, honour is respecting one’s enemies. Honour is supporting the weak, while challenging the strong.
  4. Fidelity: One must remain true to both his or her kinsmen and to themselves. There is no greater crime than betrayal of the Creed or of BSVC, who are family.
  5. Discipline: The universe is a chaotic place full of dangers to the individual and the collective. It is therefore paramount one remains disciplined and orderly and understands the need for cooperation amongst members.
  6. Hospitality: There is no honour in killing an unarmed enemy. Instead, welcome him into your home – but keep your axe at hand. One who offers the Mead Horn before the Axe finds he has more allies than enemies, and more prosperity than poverty. The weak are to be protected. The hungry shall be fed. The wanting shall find their needs met.
  7. Industriousness: To be hospitable does not mean to coddle. All must work to achieve their goals, and the goals of their kinsmen. None shall find favor without due sacrifice. One should expend the fullness of one’s skills, heart, and soul in achieving the goals of the self and the goals of BSVC.
  8. Self-Reliance: If one does not have the ability to provide and protect one’s own, one has failed at all duties assigned by life. Expect help from one’s kinsmen, but know how to succeed without them.
  9. Perseverance: A community, and a person, face hardships and trials which can break down the soul and destroy the body. Only through perseverance; only by never giving up, can one face one’s Fate and rise above. To give up is to accept defeat.

We shall never accept defeat.

(note: the final two Noble Virtues were not in the original BSVC Charter. It is assumed they were added by Erik McKetten and Aeron Staalborg, in reference to their own life trials)