C4 / C04

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Trading

We are a group composed of several long time gamers who are interested in having a good time and winning through superior teamwork and tactics, rather than following rigid team rules and regulations. Our group ranges from 20’s to 40’s, our style is somewhat laid back, and our language is colorful.


C4 was the brainchild of Rashhaverak and Asaru.

Rashhaverak was an Auditor for the UEE shipyards orbiting Jupiter. He had a love for fast ships, LARPing and he operated a duck “sanctuary”.

Asaru spent his days traveling to distant civilizations and teaching the locals catch phrases that then spread across stars like a plague of tribbles in a Twinkie factory. It is believed that he is solely responsible for Banu merchants occasionally greeting their customers with the saying ‘I like big butts and I cannot lie’.

Rash and Asaru first met at Mechaphiliacs Anonymous meeting and they quickly became fast friends.

After the Great Decompression incident of 2933 the UEE made cutbacks to all departments and Rashhaverak found himself unemployed and terribly bored. In his spare time he began sewing costumes for his ducks and training them to reenact large scale battles from The Lord Of the Rings. After many failed attempts at training ducks he added cybernetic implants and programmed them instead.

In 2934 Rashhaverak created the Organization as a front for his illegal cybernetic duck fighting ring with the help of Asaru. Of course, Asaru was more interested in the exploitation… err.. exploration of new systems and saw Rash’s obsession as means to fund his travels.

There was some contention when the time came to name the Organization. Rash wanted to name it “Kainde Amedha” which roughly translates to “hard meat” in English and Asaru thought that was a bit silly and wanted something a bit more explosive like “C4”. After hours of bickering over what the name would be Rash challenged Asaru to a thumb war. What Rashhaverak didn’t know was that Asaru had lost a thumb during a tragic incident involving a Chinese finger trap and had a prosthetic thumb with a quick release switch installed. Asaru won and the Organization was named C4. As a show of good faith he let Rash keep his thumb.

Early in the year 2939 Asaru vanished without a trace leaving Rashhaverak in control of C4. Some have come to believe that Asaru is currently somewhere in the Krell System, as Xi’An intelligence claims that Kr’Thak pilots have come to scream “Mistakes were made!” before ejecting from crippled fighters.

2940. Rashhaverak demands his associates refer to him as ‘Don Haverak’ and starts to refer to the organization as ‘The C4 Syndicate’.

By the year 2943 the C4 Syndicate has started to expand into the territory of rival syndicates. The rival syndicates are none to pleased with growing power of C4 and conspire to put them out of business.

Late in the year 2944 evidence is manufactured linking the C4 Syndicate to an incident involving Easy Cheese, hedgehogs and the luggage of a Banu Ambassador. The details were never released to the public.

In 2945 the C4 command unit was sent to prison by a UEE court for a crime they didn’t commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Terran underground. Today, still wanted by the Advocacy, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire the C4-Team.


After considerable thought, we at C4 came to the conclusion that your typical run of the mill manifesto just wouldn’t do for our Organization. We don’t want to come off as some stuffy tight collar prats with goals, mission statements and other assorted boring nonsense.

We’re way more laid back than that. Our wish is to have a good time exploring strange new systems, conquering inferior life forms, and occasionally transporting quasi-legal supplies to those in need (we are hoping to be increasing our stock in kidneys in the near future).

We believe that all our underlings should have ships of their own in which to help us in our adventures across the galaxies and offer great deals on slightly used ships (with approved credit. serial numbers may not be included).

So, if you’re tired of working for ‘the man’ and want to see the sites of the universe at the cost of a few minor and unused organs (or maybe a small bit of liver… You don’t really need the whole thing anyway) come by and submit your application and organ donor card today.

At C4, we’re not saying that you need to murder your neighbors and sell your little sister into sex slavery for a hot sub sandwich. But we ain’t saying it won’t help either ;)

C4, we do bad things for good reasons.


C4 asks that it’s members refrain from cursing like a sailor unless you are currently drinking like a sailor.
C4 members must look good in Aviators.
C4 members must know who would win in a fight between Lemmy and God.
C4 members must memorize all lines from the 20th century 2d “Top Gun” (time hack pop quizzes will be administered).
C4 members must not be offended when another member decides to “man your turret.”
C4 has a strict ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy when it comes to ‘Furries’.
C4 will not tolerate the physical or verbal abuse of gingers.
What happens on Thursdays stays on Thursdays.
All new members will be asked to donate one of their kidneys as show of good faith.
To prevent the spreading of space herpes we ask that all ships undergo a thorough sterilization process before landing in C4 owned docking bays.
Last man to space buys the pizza and beer.

On occasion two or more members in C4 may have a disagreement or ‘beef’ with each other that can cause unnecessary tension and stress within the Organization. This cannot be tolerated if we are to stay a cohesive and effective unit. Therefore all disagreements will be taken care of in a timely fashion by the time honored tradition of the Thumb War. The Thumb War originated back in the mid twentieth century (a barbaric time) and we will follow the original rules.

To begin the Thumb War participants are to clasp hands with thumbs extended vertically and start the chant “One, two, three, four. Let’s have a thumb war.” At the moment the chant ends participants then break away from each other, chop off one of their thumbs and throw it at the opposition. The winner is decided by which thumb strikes first. The loser is required to admit he was wrong and the winner gets to keep both thumbs.

If you do not have thumbs then you are clearly in wrong and should apologize to the individual that you offended ASAP.