Crown Corps / C1C

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Transport
  • Security

Crown Corp’s Industries has the Capability and proven performance to rapidly deliver complete Logistics also provide Security support and Defense, Diplomacy and International Development in the P.U


Crown Corp’s was formed in 2049.
Space Corp’s, Inc., which became the predecessor to Crown Corp International’s Security and Trade Services (STS) Division, reached a major milestone in 2050 with the award of the first Contract Field Teams (CFT). Contract field teams provide mission support and depot-level Trades to the P.U with the top Spacecrafts and weapons they became warlords. Crown Corp International and its predecessors have provided services under the P.U continuously ever since.


At Crown Corp International it is our commitment to conduct business honestly, ethically and in accordance with best practices and the applicable laws of the P.U and all it’s Systems in which we operate. We are guided at all times by the highest standards of integrity, whether dealing with customers, Members or others.
Our Business Ethics & Compliance Program is designed to foster a free and open atmosphere that allows and encourages Members to make inquiries, raise questions, express work-related concerns or report business ethics violations or violations of law, regulations, policies or procedures, without fear of retaliation.
Our program consists of a robust Code of Ethics and Business Conduct, which connects our behaviors to business practices. It is a handbook for doing the right thing and is an essential tool to help our Members make the right decisions. Every action and decision at Crown Corp International is based upon our company values that are at the core of the DI Star:

  • We Serve – willingly in all locations and conditions.
  • We Care – for the safety, security, development, and well-being of our employees.
  • We Empower – our employees to succeed in a culture based on trust, respect, loyalty, and commitment.
  • We Perform – with a relentless commitment to exceeding expectations.
  • We Do the Right Thing – always, for our customers, employees, and those we serve.

Our Code of Ethics and Business Conduct translates these values into action, every day, for everything we do. We train our personnel on a broad range of topics to provide them with the knowledge needed to not only be compliant, but to ensure that they understand their personal responsibility to meet the high standards required of all Crown Corp International.


Corporate Responsibility

We Serve, We Care, We Empower, We Perform, We Play The Right Way.
These are the values Crown Corp International carries into the communities where we live and work. Our tens of thousands of employees from around the world provide us with unique opportunities to give back through philanthropic donations, local training programs