Collective Entities Organization / C3O

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Trading

Welcome to our ORG profile. Feel free to browse the member list and check our Recruitment section if you wish to join us.


We star farers are here for one purpose as we have been since the very beginning, since the very dawn of the verse that we all now call home. We, the bounty hunters, the cargo-hauling-space-truckers, the misfits, the rockstars, the artists, the musicians, the traders, the hunters, and even prey alike, we are all here for battle, for blood, for bounty, and for glory!

Join our discord today @


We aim to dominate the space of the verses with our battle prowess. We aim to make millions of aUEC; mining, salvaging, and completing contracts alike. We are one, we are legion, we are C3O.


1) Join our discord @

2) Bullying, harassment, and other types of negative behaviors will result in a warning and/or ban depending on the severity of the case.

3) Be respectful and have fun. Invite your friends, and kill it!!