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C7 Holdings Inc / C7H

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Exploration

C7 Wants you!

With a history of service and experience dating back to the first Terravin war, C7 continues to fight the good fight to keep the verse safe and stable for all those that call it home.


Originally the 7th Special Warfare Development Group(callsign caltrop)

Served under messer in the first Terravin war in high risk kinetic operations as a self sufficient war party with its own in house transport, support, fighter and bomber wings, and infantry units.

7th devgru worked behind the scenes, rarely seen even by friendly forces in theater in raids and deep strikes using its fleet of Retaliator’s outfitted as both heavy bombers and dropships against terravin forces, surprisingly suffering minimal losses in the conflict in which they saw constant action from the start until the end in 2546.

After the 1st Terravin war, the UEE was formed and expansion of power took hold. 7th Devgru command staff saw both opportunity and trouble coming under messers reign. A deal was brokered to allow the 7th Devgru to leave the newly formed UEE Navy and operate independently under contract from the UEE as a deniable force, and be allowed contracts that did not go against the UEE.

In 2547 C7 Holdings was formed as a shell to envelop the military and corporate arms of the 7th as they already had experience self funding and operating from their time in conflicts both in the 1st Terravin war and earlier operations.

C7 was given loans by the UEE to purchase ships and gear, and began immediate operations based out of a small station orbiting Elysium IV. between the 1st and 2nd Terravin war C7 operated as a scouting and support asset to the UEE, but also took on contracts of different nature, the largest being a 2 year long search for Artemis, the colony ship launched in 2232 that disappeared with thousands on board, C7 like many before it, was unable to find a trace of the ship, though the client, a descendent of a colonist on board, was thankful for the long efforts and considered the contract fulfilled.

C7‘s HQ put them in a position to handle many contracts in the 2nd Terravin war including combat operations defending Elysium IV when the terravins attempted to crash their ships into the surface.

In the early 2700’s C7 leadership saw the coming conflict with the populace and the control exerted on it by the UEE coming to a head, and took measures to distance itself from the UEE for a time, breaking away from its ties to the Messer family completely. In 2792 after the massacre of Garron II happens and is tied to the imperator, C7 backs the new government led by Erin Toi and pledges to help make the verse a safer place for all intelligent life, and it assist in the enforcement of the Fair Chance act.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.