Royal Canadian Space Farce / CANOE

  • Faith
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Exploration

“I walked until midnight in the storm, then I went home to my 890 Jump and took a soak in the hot tub for an hour. It was all clear. I listened to my heart and saw if there were any signs of my destiny in the sky, and there were none – there were just snowflakes.” – Queen !Nara on her diparture


God Save The Queen!? If she is still alive. One wintry Earth day in the year 2947 our intrepid royal leader decided to venture into the stars on her 890 Jump to explore and wonder (as she often did), never to return. What did her cryptic final message mean?

Triggered by mystery and intrigue, the Royal Canadian Space Farce (CANOE for short) has paddled into the stars and will be forever exploring and searching for Queen !Nara; with faith that we will one day find her. As such we are exceptional Bounty Hunters!? and will always offer our services as an unstoppable mercenary FORCE to provide Security services or to help you find what you’re looking for. Join us! And discover a galaxy of payback……

The space force you never knew existed! We are exceptional at blowing things up and making it seem like TEST Squadron crashed something into it; quirky deception worthy of recognition, truly.

We have the second biggest fleet (for a galaxy far far away), but not enough of us to fly them and locate/rescue our royal leader; we love her, she’s awesome! We accept all (even from outside Canada) who wish to join, bring your ships, or please help us fly our massive and sexy fleet ;] (because there aren’t enough of us to push all the buttons haha).

We are all fun, friendly people so join us, please and thank you :].

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We are always exploring the galaxy, sometimes finding cool (but often shitty) things; we keep it real ;]. This research, discovery and exploration can get a tad expensive so we are also essentially a mercenary bounty hunting or security force for hire; (unless we have a feeling it might harm the search for Queen !Nara). We save people, have fun, get paid, and sell what we find :D.

What sets a CANOE expedition apart is that it purifies you more rapidly and inescapably than any other. Travel a million kilometers with a Syndicate or Private Military Company and you are a brute; trudge fifty thousand at the whim of a Corporation or as part of an Organization and you remain basically a bourgeois; paddle a hundred with the Faithful CANOE and you are already a child of space.

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Only Several Rules:
  1. Be Friendly – Come sail the stars in our sleek and sexy Constellation Phoenix; love that ship, love that hot tub, love you ;]
  2. Work Together
  3. Share Access to All of Your Ships -As a part of the fleet hanger to be used by the FORCE - Owners ‘Captains’ get priority for their ships
  4. Give Us Secret Intel on Other Organisations You Are a Part Of – We are better at divvying up the winnings/takings then they are ;].
  5. A Citizen is Never Wrong Doing What They Think is Right.