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Cassini Pathfinder Corps / CASSINI

  • PMC
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Security
  • Exploration

Primus Intus – Ultimus Foras


Founded in 2946 by veterans from all over the UEE armed forces, The Cassini Pathfinder Corps is a mission-based, vertically integrated militia aimed at serving the ‘Verse and those in it. After serving in multiple tours of duty and engagements, our founders couldn’t quite settle back into normal life. Longing to be back out among the stars, we started small with one man, an Aurora, and a handful of resources.

Since then we’ve ground our fleet and our operational capacity to assist and serve a variety of people including Governments, Institutions, Individuals, Small Independent Groups, and more. With our commitment to honor, integrity, and confidentiality, you can be sure that we will accomplish the mission right and with complete discretion. Thanks to the Militia Mobilization Act, we are able to provide a litany of operational functions that will fit a variety of needs. Due to our background in the UEE Military, we maintain a military command structure.

Within CPATH, we have three divisions to maintain operational effectiveness for those we serve:

  • Fleet Command – Space flight, Aerial Combat, Naval Services and Exploration
  • The Legion – Infantry, Armor, Mechanized Combat
  • Industrial Command – Mining, Salvage, Cargo Transit and Mineral

Civilian Defense Force Charter: #CDF-00481512

ATTN: New Recruits
For more information about us or how to join, please visit us at:


We strive towards a path which leads to peace, discovery and prosperity. Though the path may be stricken with hardship and conflict, the vision of hope is one that keeps us carving a new path. A path to a future where no human settlement will ever experience the fear of being raided. Where discoveries are welcomed with wonder instead of fear. Where intelligent life can live with the faith that they will see a new day. That is the future, but for today we remain steadfast in our mission.

We are the Pathfinders. We will press on.



Be committed to the Corps, your mission, your post, your ship, your fellow Pathfinders and yourself. Explore without fear, fight with courage, blaze new trails and respect those who paved the way before.


Defend the innocent with courage. Do what is right and stand up for those who cannot. Guard the lives of other Pathfinders and be a shield for humanity and intelligent life among the stars.


Each Pathfinder shall observe any and all statutes, laws, ordinances, and rules of governance currently in effect within the jurisdiction of a member planet. The wellbeing of other Pathfinders and/or innocent civilians and CPATH directives shall take precedent above law.


Trust your fellow Pathfinders and be someone they can depend on. There are situations where our lives are in the hands of those we serve alongside; in those times, we must know that those to our left and our right have our back.


Have Honor in every job you do, and do it with excellence, no matter how insignificant the mission or job. Operate with integrity upholding your honor with every discovery, battle, trade and task.