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Celestial Sailors / CELESTSAIL

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

Celestial Sailors follow the solar winds among the stars wherever their hearts may roam.
Solar winds might carry us to explore, obtain, trade, or even engage in warfare if we so desire.

We are the ones you can trust, and the ones you want to do business with.


We are the whisper of the solar winds permeating every corner of the galaxy. Celestial Sailors was formed by a group that simply wanted to have a better reputation than those around them that were always trying to get ahead.

“There was a time long ago…when people looked up to the Pilgrims. The stars were their destiny.”


Soar through the stars, and past all of the troubles of the small minded.

Unlike the pilgrims we believe you should keep your humanity, but embrace space just the same. Celestial bodies are nice to spend time on, but be truly at home in deep space!

Profit for ourselves, and everyone we do business with promotes mutual satisfaction and respect. Sometimes you win by losing because it opens a door that was otherwise closed.

If the small minded should get in your way and there is no alternative simply inflict so much damage and pain they will consider it prudent to stay out of your way or bother someone else in the future.


Build good trade relationships and make sure everyone gets their fair share.

Legal commerce above the table.

If it’s illegal yet ethical, don’t get caught.

If it’s unethical, the solar winds shall render you into a cloud of vapor.