Centurion Guard Industries / CENTGRD

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Transport

We are armed and ready for anything.


The Universe change with the Battle of Vega II in 2945. Many young men and women enlisted to fight back against the aggression of the Vanduul. Over the years of fighting this war took greenhorn pilots and marines and turned them into season veterans. Even after the war was over the universe was still a dangerous place. Pirate attacks on trade lanes and outpost showed there was a need for private security the UEE could not be everywhere. Centurion Guard Inc. was born we are former pilots and marines that want to help make universe safe. Our security division and handle all your security from guarding your transport ships, retrieving stolen cargo, and patrolling your outpost to stop raider attack. Our Transport division will work hand and hand with our security division and deliver your cargo for you so you don’t have to. We have a wide range of ships to get the job done we are able muster the power of three capital ship if need be.



Members of Centurion Guard will commit itself and its member to following the laws of the UEE laws and standards, first and foremost, no matter where in the universe we may find ourselves conducting operations. The defense of ‘non-aggressors’ shall be a high priority.


First and foremost we are here to have fun. There will be an organization reputation system in place your actions will affect the reputation of the entire org. Please keep this in mind with your actions in verse. Personal reputation and Org reputation will affect what missions we will be offered.
As an org we will be following the laws of the UEE. PVP in fine as long as attacking a target will not affect the Org reputation negatively. We will not engage in griefing.