Certamen / CERTAMEN

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Social
  • Freelancing

Certamen is the continuation of the former PENTA Star Citizen community team.

We have been playing SC competitively since January 2016 and are mainly focused on Racing, FPS and Dogfighting.


Certamen is the continuation of the former PENTA Star Citizen community team.

We have been playing SC competitively since January 2016 and are mainly focused on Racing, FPS and Dogfighting.



Certamen seeks to be the best within our respective professions. With the group as a whole focusing on racing and combat. Potentially also Sataball, however, we will have to see how that turns out.


When recruiting we are looking for 3 things in the prospect:

  • Like mindedness – Basically if you fit in with the group we already have.
  • Long term activity – This shows us dedication both to the org and to Star Citizen.
  • Ambition – While we don’t need or expect you to be in the top 1%, we do expect a willingness to improve.



We could make a very comprehensive list of things that you can not, should not and should do in regards to, but not limited to, manners, politics or cheating. However, if you do need such a list, you probably are not going to fit in with our group.

As Certamen is primarily a competition focused organisation, we are okay with having multiple organisation affiliations. But we do expect you to try and set up a group within Certamen for tournaments, like Daymar Rally, before representing another group.

If one of our members is going outside of what our Community Managers consider common courtesy, one of the Community Managers will have a talk with that member. Offense will be taken up on a case by case basis, as will the consequences.


We try and keep our organisation structure as flat as possible, because we believe it the best way to organise it with the current Star Citizen development.

We have the following ranks:
  • Community Manager – Sets the overall direction for the group.
  • Team Leaders – Banner holders for Certamen’s active professions
  • Members – The most important rank here, for without it we would not have an organisation