• Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Security

Welcome to CESAR – Combat & Emergency Search And Rescue!

Looking for medical gameplay combined with a bit combat scenario in Search & Rescue missions? Want to help ships and pilots in distress with your refuel or repair ship? All spiced up with some RP? You’ve come to the right place.



Our main languages are German and English!

We are recruiting!

CESAR is a rather young organization dedicated to Search and Rescue operations combined with occasional roleplay. Since we all know that your personal life catches up sometimes, we don’t require you to be in the game in every free minute. Since we are not covering certain gameplay loops like e.g trading, mining and salvaging, you are welcome to join other organizations as well – we’re not very jealous ;)

Join our Discord and let’s have a chat!

You may have some questions – some answers are found below:

Roleplay? I don’t have much experience in this, but i want to try it.

Our community consists of all kinds of roleplayers – from regular gamers to hardcore LARPers (Live Action Role Play), so you will fit right in!

I am pretty new to the game and don’t have much experience in it. Is that a dealbreaker?

Not at all. Even better: We will help you taking your first steps in the Verse. Everybody has to start somewhere!

I do not own a ship that fits the roles CESAR needs

No problem. We have multicrew ships that need to be staffed, we can also help you making money in the game so you can buy the ship of your dreams in the ingame shipyards.

I am not comfortable with PVP and/or PVE fights

We have combattant and non-combattant roles at CESAR – just find the one that fits you!

  • Our main service branches are
    1. CSAR – Combat Search and Rescue: Evacuating our clients from armed conflict situations in space or on ground, providing medical first aid and transport to a hospital, if necessary
    2. ESAR – Emergency Search and Rescue: Finding and Rescuing missing, damaged or stranded ships and their crews, providing refuel and repair services and medical first aid and transport to a hospital, if necessary
    3. Armed Escort: Protecting a client on mining runs or trade routes
    4. Casualty Assembly Point: Providing casualty assembly points for militia operations


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