Crystalline Exploration Commission / CGCOMM

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Exploration
  • Social

Welcome to the organization page for the Crystalline Exploration Commission. We’re an associate org of the Crystalline Gaming Community – please stop by and say hello.


The Crystalline Exploration Commission, on January 14, 2017, was created to further the goals of the Crystalline Gaming Community in exploring Star Citizen while retaining the core values and group identity of that community. Our Manifesto and Charter were also created on that date in order to emphasize coordination, cooperation and unity – the ideals that have kept the community positive and growing since its original inception as the 1701st Galactic Starfleet in 2013.


As a member organization of the Crystalline Gaming Community our mission here on the Spectrum and in Star Citizen is to create a place for positive, helpful community interaction as we explore the nuances of Star Citizen as it is developed.

Member activity, leadership and assistance are our core values and will be rewarded as we continue post-development into release and a strange new ‘verse.

Together we’ll find excellence through coordinated action.


While Star Citizen is in development our charter will be further defined as issues directly related to the game occur. Please reference our parent organization’s charter, rules and rights information for now as these rules will apply to the Crystalline Exploration Commission as well:

Rules of Conduct for the Crystalline Gaming Community