ARK Interstellar Survey Commission / CHARTS

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Exploration
  • Scouting

Providing the information you need for safe travel across the known galaxy.


Some would think that the AISC was founded when the Ark was completed in 2800, it wasn’t. Who is to say that the idea didn’t start there though.

In 2797 a man named Enoy Fossik, who was a member of then Senator Marshall Leon’s staff, was assigned as a liaison to the keep the Senate happy during the construction of The Ark. His work consisted of showing the Senators how The Ark will benefit humanity both strategically and politically. Some were not so easily convinced at times and over time others would became champions of the project. Enoy would stay on after it’s completion in 2800 for another seven more years, telling stories to his son and later grandson about the work the Archivists were doing keeping explorers safe.

In 2843 Enoy’s grandson, Oron, joined The Ark as an Archivist upon graduation from the University in Terra. His children, grandchildren, and later generations all did the same. Working at The Ark became the family business in many forms. Some become analysts, data technicians, and even Astrogators sending back updates from the systems beyond.

2845, After working at the Ark for a few years as an Astrogator, Jay Fossik, joined the UEE Navy as a pilot in response to the attacks on Vega II as a fighter pilot. After serving for four years he left the UEE to help with humanitarian efforts in the war torn areas by hauling supplies to devastated areas. There was only so much that could be done, only so many supplies to go around. The people were looking for more, to be self sufficient.

The people were willing to mine and collect resources themselves but just needed help finding it. However when they did find it they had the complication of dealing with Vanduul raids and pirate attacks. The same problem that plagued cargo haulers and interstellar travelers. There wasn’t any reliable source for folks to get information for safe routes and locations for folks to get resources they needed, so Jay came up with an idea.

In August of 2851 Jay founded the Ark Interstellar Survey Commission to provide information on the safe location of resources and travel between planets. The AISC is a free service to the galaxy and reports on hazards to safe astrogration and where to find unclaimed resources in space and on planetary surfaces.

Our story begins here…


“And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by” – John Masefield

Since the day of sail humankind has had a thirst for exploring the unknown. A spirit unquenched despite all the dangers foretold. As we travel the stars there is need for those who are willing to trek ahead and chart the safe path forward. We at the AISC are those pathfinders, we are the beacons in the night for those weary travelers seeking glory and tale of fortune.


Who Are We?

The AISC is a commission of pilots, scientists, prospectors, scrapers, and journalists who survey the stars and inform the people of hazards to their safe navigation. We go where the danger is whether it is war, death, or stellar phenomena to report on what YOU need to know.

We are inspired by organizations such as the United States NOAA and Coast Guard Marine Safety. They regularly study and reported on the weather and resource data around the planet (Earth).

What Do We Do?

We provide reports on resources, battles, salvage sites, stellar and planetary phenomena, cargo traffic lanes, and whatever else is needed for safe operating and travel in space and some planetary locations.

How Do We Provide That Information?

We will be posting on Spectrum, YouTube, and our own site a message called the ‘Notice to Astrogators’ (NoTAG), this will be done weekly with special alert notices included between the weekly postings as needed. Some of our archivists and journalist will also be posting a ‘Local Notices to Astrogators’> (Local NoTag) for the star system effected which may be updated daily or weekly. Plans are also in the works for a live reporting service called ‘The Stellar Report’ through Youtube and other sources. (more information will be provided in our charter.)

How Are We Organized.

The AISC is coordinated by an Administer appointed by the Board of Commissioners. The Administrator then assigns the Head of Astrogation and Head of Publication.

The Head of Astrogation coordinates with stellar survey pilots / teams, and oversees the Notice to Astrogators reports and alerts.

The Head of Publication coordinates with Show Producers, Reporters, and Journalists that provide additional information to the public.

So Why Are We Doing This?

In the future we anticipate the need for players to plan out cargo and salvage trips to provide maximum efficiency of gameplay time. By knowing where to go and where to find things makes that planning considerably easier. Unfortunately that same information will be available to pirates and other criminals. So this will be an ongoing effort.



1) Requirements

  • At this time the only requirements are that you try to be law abiding; and have your own ship.

2) Training & Qualification

  • We will train new people. No previous skills nor experience is necessary.

3) Appearance (armor and gear)

  • Wear whatever you like as long as you don’t look silly.

Code of Conduct

1) Rules

  • a. Be respectful at all times.
    b. Remain law abiding while in service of the AISC.
    c. Use common sense.

2) Grievance Procedure

  • Step One: Directly message the person you have the issue with.
    Step Two: if that does not work, message an Officer.
  • Anything that violates CIG rules should be reported directly to them. No need to inform an org Officer.

3) Accuracy In Reporting

  • AISC members will not provide false reports or information to anyone. You will be ejected from the commission if found guilty.

Products & Services

1) Solar & Planetary Phenomena Research

  • Provide scientific research for solar and planetary phenomena and activity of all kinds to assist in weather reporting and solar storm prediction.

2) Notice to Astrogators (NoTAG)

  • Weekly and Daily reports from across the galaxy pertaining to hazards to safe travel.

3) Local Notice to Astrogators (Local NoTAG)

  • Weekly or Daily reports from specific planetary locations and special events (including known battles) that restrict safe travel in that area.

4) Mining Reports

  • Information on mining locations and what resources have been found there. (Daily & Weekly)

5) Salvage Reports

  • Information on large salvage locations and what may be found there. (Daily & Weekly)

6) Live & Pre-recorded News Shows.