Children of Kerensky / CHILOFSKY

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Security

“Trade for wealth, Explore for wonder, Watch for danger”.

—Some Old Toothless Bastard.


TBD when we have more members wanting to contribute and know more of SC lore.


We are explorers by nature
no matter is its for fame, wealth excitement or just a sense of wonder we cant resist the call to explore. We have little fear of the unknown or the ever expanding darkness of deep space stretched before us. It calls to us, beckons us, it draws us in and we must go.
we know we cannot explore with out funds, Many of us take the mantle of Trader, but this is our profession not our calling. Some of us prefer to work as crew members on a strangers ship, others escort convoys and traders to a location, some hunt bounty’s and others gain our funds buy more questionable means.
To us it does not matter how we make raise our funds, as long as it fuels our ability’s to explore.
As explores we have found we are more tolerant then most, often meeting new faces and races we have seen the best and worst in all we encounter, this has tempered us.
We find we are accepted by most we meet no matter their alliance, but even with that acceptance we often find ourselves moving on.
We are explorers, We do not like to stay in one place to long and the closest thing to home we know is the deck plate of which ever ship we are on while we head deeper into the unknown.


“Honor Integrity and Loyalty these 3 things make any group strong!”.

our rules are simple
1. Have FUN
2. be respectful of other players and their opinions
3. have fun
Simple enough?