Church Of Pico / CHURCHPICO

  • Faith
  • Casual
  • Piracy
  • Social

Just here to help others and just relax and chill while totally not being a cult for the great lord and saviour Pico.
Our overall goal is just to help teach new people, and be a place to chill and relax.


Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith. Please come back soon to learn more about our community.


The Church Of Pico follows 4 simple principles which define the overall intent of our actions.

1) The system exists to be protected and preserved. The duty of the church is to care and maintain the system until the end.
2) Those that are a detriment to the system, threatening it or taking excess from it, are no longer worthy of being part of the system and shall be purged from it.
3) No matter how weak or young, all in the system can grow and improve and the church will guide and help. The strongest warriors are not born strong but instead grow to it, the church will insure all can be strong.
4) The church is not above or separate but as much part of the system as any other life or creature is.


The charter is based around the 4 principles of the manifesto broken into more detail

1) The church of Pico’s primary objective is to care for and protect any living creature inside the system. This can be anything from running medical for other people, actively defending people or defenceless animals but it does not prevent the killing of animals. The system includes predators and hunting, it is only natural just should never be done excessively beyond one’s need or defence.
2) Those who seek to harm those in the system, especially the weak or young like a new player, are no longer to be considered under the systems protection and the hunting down of them is highly justified to the point of the reason the inquisition exists. New players are the main force covered by this who may be targeted by pirates as a easy prey, but any person who is being attacked without just cause is under this clause defendable and those who commit the act a target.
3) The church of Pico’s second primary objective is the guiding and teaching of new players and those who wish to learn and grow stronger. The joint betterment of skills and assets of those involved, those who wish to join just to learn or get better are free to leave once they have as they have contributed to the system by improving and getting better and they will carry on improving those around them.
4) The church are not a superior all mighty force, we are just creatures like any other but with a dedication that we try our best to care for our fellow members of the church and help improve as many other parts of it as we can with our own efforts and improvements. If all you do is self improvement that still improves the system as you are part of it too.

The second part of the charter refers to the ranks. The key detail from this is the ranks do not refer to a hierarchy and more so a easy way to identify those who you can go to for help in situations.

1) fledglings – these are people who have joined with the direct goal of learning, you are here to be taught and helped however other members of the church can but outside of that have no required dedications to do anything for us. We serve you not you serving us.
2) Followers – these are just any people who wish to still be part of the church after having learnt but do not wish to express any direct intent to do any of the further roles. There is no looking down upon this and we are happy to have any followers as long as you don’t break the core rules.
3) Guides – these are followers or people who have proven they are experts in their skill and have the willingness to teach, thus those who wish to become guides are expected to be the primary ones helping teach fledglings, anyone who asks or followers who need some help with the skills that they are experts in. This is not a forced requirement, there is no punishment not to and you are not superior to any other person in the church.
4) Inquisition – these are the people who have specifically expressed skill and expertise in combat and hunting targets. The duty of the inquisition is the defence and support of anyone who requires it from those who break the rules. If a follower or a new player is seen being hunted down by pirates, the inquisition are the one’s who move to help defend them to protect the system. It is at its core, those who have expressed a focus and enjoyment of combat specifically.
5) Speakers – These are the masters of a craft, there to help guides with details they may not know. Otherwise they are just like a guide but having proven absolute knowledge and skill in it. Like all other roles they are not better or more important, simply a marker for others to easily spot someone who knows a lot in the relevant skills.
6) Shepard – this person is technically the leader but not in function. Their job is not to lead but to guide and make sure all follow the core principles and make sure no one tries to form a hierarchy or a superiority over a fellow member. They also handle any admin or busywork that needs doing.