Cerberus Imperial Security Corporation / CISC

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Freelancing

The Cerberus Imperial Security Corporation, or CISC, is an organization dedicated to providing the best solution to whatever job a client presents to us. Our organization is open to all who express an interest in joining and mesh well with the existing member structure.


Founded: July 14, 2948.
Founding Members: Meerside, Docpopinpipolop, mustangmania540.

The CISC has been dedicated from the beginning to providing the highest-quality services available, no matter the job.


The CISC is dedicated to providing the best services that money can buy, from convoy security to running that late food shipment. The organization is highly structured, and will always see a job through to customer satisfaction.


Public Regulations:
1) Minimal team-killing.
2) Keep within designated responsibilities unless told otherwise.
3) Understand who is “above” and “below” you in the organizational hierarchy. NOTE: RANK IS NOT THE END-ALL-BE-ALL OF THIS ORGANIZATION.
4) Superior officers/enlisted personnel shall not abuse their power.
5) All rules shall be followed by ALL organization members.