Citizen's Merchant Navy / CITIZENSMN

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Trading
  • Transport

In Peace and War for All


The Citizen’s Merchant Navy (CMN) was created on the Stanton system in early spring, 2954. Developed with help of older veterans of the UEE Marine Navy as well as veterans of the 42nd Squadron; the CMN is set to help safe transportation of goods throughout various systems for all and to ensure secure trade routes between those systems through patrols. Unlike the UEE Merchant Navy, The CMN also welcomes trade and commerce with Tevarins, Banu, and Xi’an. The CMN also hosts a ship support sector with the ability to keep cargo ships running in those trade routes at all times. Finally there is a commodity branch of the CMN that supports ship operations. We welcome all of those that support the above agendas and are want to make the verse a safer place for all.


Citizen’s Merchant Navy is a lawful organization that focuses on cargo trading as well as keeping shipping lanes free of pirates and other enemies. We have a strong relationship either alien races (besides the Vandul)


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