Citizens Of The 'Verse / CITOFVERSE

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Exploration
  • Social

Welcome to the Citizens of the ‘Verse profile page! This Org is mainly focused on guiding new players into the verse. Main language is English but French and Dutch people are also welcome!

Check our Recruitment section if you wish to join us.


The Citizens of The ‘Verse, founded by Dr. Kleina Vasli, in 2832 after the discovery of the Vasli fragment stone on Terra III is an organization affiliated to the Transitionalist Party dedicated to exploration and science.
The Citizens of The ‘Verse main focus is finding remains of the “Atlanteans” in other systems. This ancient Civilization, lived on Terra III long before the human colonization of space.

When Toshi Aaron discovered the Stanton system in 2851, the Citizens of The ‘Verse started an exploration campaign in search of the remains of the “Atlanteans”.
When the 4 planets of the system were sold to private companies in 2865, the Citizens of The ‘Verse were suddenly stopped in their archeological search project. Since then many of them started to focus their research effort on other systems while some established themselves in the city of New Babbage on Stanton IV.


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