Quaesitor Clavis / CLAVIS

  • Faith
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

Welcome brothers and sisters! For over 900 years our forbearers have been searching for the most Holy Keys. We have searched couch cushions on planets yet uncharted, scoured asteroid, smuggled goods, even killed in the name of the most Holy Keys. Our quest continues! Carpe Vinum!.. I meen Clavium!


we have a history… its very historical… filled with awesomeness …. it is locked in a safe…. we lost those keys as well…. blame Etmix he had them last!


Our most Holy Elders sit and work to translate the Keyble for you to read. reflect on what the search for the Holy Keys mean to you until this moment comes. and have some free punch and pie… or beer… mainly beer.


Our one goal is to finally find the most Holy Keys. We scour the universe in search of them.

Some of our brothers and sisters (I am sure we will get a sister one day alas.. but I digress) Search in couch cushions on distant planets and uncharted systems, others hang with the seedy underground of the universe in search of any information that could guide us to the most Holy Keys, some dig in asteroids, search other peoples cargo holds… you get the idea. The most Holy Keys have been lost and we will find them no matter the cost. As you can see we may not always be liked for our methods but we do have a few rules.

1. If your passion is strong enough and your argument convincing enough to sway your fellow seekers we will most likely do it. Just don’t lie to your brothers and sisters.

  • Attack a king ship with a mighty swarm of Argo MPUV cargo ships… why not?
  • Fill up a few hull Bs and do a simple cargo run because you heard there might be info about the most Holy Keys… sure
  • you have a solid tip the keys may be stuck in an asteroid… a mining we shall go
  • someone may have the keys in their cargo hold! its not stealing its reclaiming stolen property… I swear officer those keys are ours!

2. 1 also means if you are associated with other orgs to get info on the most Holy Keys this is fine as well. Just let your brothers know if the Faithfull need to be on the lookout because of your other associates

4. the nonfaithful are heathens, blasphemers and not people so whatevers. Your brothers and sisters on the other hand are people so remember they are family and treat them as such… except drag0n we are not sure about him! oh and crazy uncle Ned .. if we have anyone named Ned.

3. Drink… live … search for keys