• Organization
  • Regular
  • Engineering
  • Freelancing

The Canis Coaltion (CNSC) is a group of people with a wide range of expertise; branches of our ORG are dedicated to crafting, overclocking and producing the finest weapons and componentry offered in UEE space – while others focus on military and mercantile operations across vast distances.


Founded in 2944, the Canis Coalition is currently operating as a small group of long time Alpha pilots, each with a slightly different focus in the verse.

While primarily an organization focused on production, we strive to offer a variety of options for new members. Military operations, racing leagues, and even hiking expeditions are just a few of the activities you’ll take part in at Canis — as we help back and test this little universe we call the PU.

Please check out the Org Manifesto for details into our planned areas of operation.


As you chart your unique journey across the cosmos, whether you’re a green pilot straight out of the UEE academy or a seasoned veteran who’s seen many a PTU come and go, one thing is always abundantly clear while looking out into the black vacuity …

Space… is a dangerous place… and this singular notion is impossible to ignore.

The members of the CANIS aim to bring a little peace of mind to the vastness of the void with a wide range of high performance weapon and component offerings, in both the personal and ship item spaces. We also utilize our technological prowess to augment a number of For Hire Services in the civilian and military fields.

When you venture out into the Verse, your ship and the equipment you carry with you become an extension of your skill. In order for Canis to provide top of the line performance and the highest quality service in UEE space, we control the entire process of weapon and item modification. This includes everything from ultra-rare deposit survey and mining to quantum entanglement component enhancements, and a thousand minute details in between.


The Mineral Extraction division has the full capabilities to conduct both focused mineral research and scanning as well as targeted extraction. These rare deposits are invaluable in the quantum combustion research techniques used in item modification and overclocking by our MODO team, as well as acting as Canis’ main source of trade income. Our ME division is capable of Prospector and MOLE mining, while plans are underway for large scale operations utilizing the capital-class capabilities of the Orion.


Our MODO division is dedicated to customizing both personal and ship components as well as all types of weapons. Whether its endurance and dependability or record breaking performance configurations that push your equipment to it’s limit, our team of component physicists and technicians have you covered with our state of the art Endeavor platform.


The Biology & Chemical division works closely with the MODO team using the shared Endeavor platform to provide all the targeted chemical enhancements of the human body sanctioned in UEE space, from neural attenuation to nerve blocking agents. Their research is ever expanding so keep checking in for new pre-regulation offerings.


The R&D group is the live testbed for the MODO and BIO-AUG teams work and provide them with crucial feedback based on real universe data. These individuals are available to hire for a wide range of experimental-based scenarios.


Our Trade & Mercantile division encapsulates all that Canis delivers with large scale shipping operations, be it Hercules class vehicle transport or CAT based logistics. While shipping to clients is a service we provide, main trade operations are based out of Canis’ Privateer — and clients are welcome to visit our MOC for business or for leisure.


The PU of star citizen is enormously vast, and we here at Canis think that every citizen needs a place to call home. That’s why we have created a division known as Colony Creation, a group of individuals dedicated to the creation of a variety of homesteads utilizing the Pioneer. Whether it be desolate moon base or planet-side ranch home, we’ve got you covered.


In the Infantry Military division, our goal is to operate within UEE guidelines to provide a military response to a variety of client needs. Whether it be a cheap bulk supply of soldiers or a professional fireteam, Canis aims to put boots on the ground wherever you need them.


The Aviation Military division was designed to train and deploy pilots for small to large-scale combat operations. While acting as a training branch, this division also acts as the main military force in Canis; leading skirmishes and providing defense for the ORG’s other divisions.


“What began as the fever dream of a madman grew into the organizational structure by which a small, tight nit but often far flung team of highly skilled individuals brought upon the galaxy a far more tide shifting set of events than the human race had ever witnessed.”

Galil3o — s. 2949

We here at Canis want to create a community that is welcoming and positive. We want to work together to create a better life for ourselves within the Star Citizen universe and for the other ORGs that we affiliate with. All (most :P) thoughts are welcome, and I encourage everyone to take the time to jump in on any conversations / play sessions so that we can get to know eachother, and more importantly get to know what gameplay speaks to all of us.

That’s all for now, just be cool to eachother — see you in the verse.

Roland — s. December 30th, 2950