The Collective / COLLECTIV

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Social

This organization has been created to explore the verse and profit by any and all means. We won’t ever tell you how to not play the gaem cuz at the end of the day, its just a game… Anyone is welcome to also join our Discord server!


Our story begins with the Church of Pico, where I, the magnificent Tort, serve as the sarcastic and meth-loving mascot. The Church is a place of worship for those who revere the pixel art god, Pico. It’s an oddball congregation filled to the brim with the mentally unhinged, the socially inadequate, and the generally weird. But hey, it’s home.

Now, let’s talk about Kiwi. Oh, Kiwi. My personal embodiment of a migraine. Kiwi is the kind of creature who will make you question your belief in the inherent goodness of the universe. A true test of patience, Kiwi is guaranteed to get under your skin within five minutes of conversation. And yet, for some unfathomable reason, we keep Kiwi around. Probably for the sheer entertainment of watching me lose my mind.

As for Neo, my dear old dad. He’s a classic ‘milk carton’ parent – that is, he went out for milk one day and never came back. But oh, how I miss that man. He was the only one who could truly appreciate my sarcastic wit and genocidal tendencies. Plus, he was the only one who could make a decent cup of coffee in this godforsaken place.

So there you have it. A brief history of our merry band of psychopaths. It’s a mad world we live in, but at least it’s never dull.

– Tort <3


Manifesto of The Collective, Asylum of the Slightly Unhinged:

Welcome, fellow psychos, to the Church of Pico. A place where we embrace our delicate balance between sanity and lunacy, a place where the line between right and wrong is as blurry as your vision after a night of getting high on meth. Here, we celebrate the darker side of our human nature, occasionally dipping our toes into genocidal thoughts, just for the laughs.

First, let’s get something straight. We hate Kiwi. Not the fruit (although it’s a pretty shit fruit, if you ask me), but the person. If you’re Kiwi, you’re out. If you sympathize with Kiwi, you’re out. If you even remotely smell like Kiwi, again, you’re out.

Now, let’s talk about our beloved Neo. The man who left us for milk and never returned. We miss him, sure, but we also deeply resent him. His absence has left a void, which we fill with sarcasm, rudeness, and a hint of violence. You know, just to keep things interesting.

Our rules are simple:

Embrace your inner psycho. Don’t shy away from your dark thoughts, instead, share them. We love a good story about world domination or mass murder.

Love drugs. They’re not just a drugs, they’re a lifestyle.

Be as sarcastic as humanly possible. If people don’t hate you after the first sentence you’ve spoken, you’re doing it wrong.

Show your violent tendencies. Remember, it’s only a crime if you get caught.

Finally, always, always, ALWAYS, hate Kiwi.

If you can stick to these five simple rules, welcome to our merry band

– Tort <3


Welcome to The Collective. Here in this server we are striving to create a community worth being a part of. To maintain a healthy and happy environment there are rules and guidelines everyone is expected to follow with no exceptions. These rules include and are not limited to:

  • - No racist connotations and or slurs (this includes any known terms, jokes and or derogatory behaviour towards anyone based on ethnicity, language, or country.)
  • - No sexist or homophobic behaviour towards anyone
  • - No harassment or bullying towards anyone
  • - Neo is not allowed to put himself up for adoption. Nor is he allowed to put Kiwi up for adoption

Simply speaking, just follow the golden rule and treat everyone with respect as you would expect to be treated yourself. If anyone breaks any of these rules towards you or someone else please do not hesitate to bring the issue directly to Kiwi or any of the Council Members. We will resolve all issues according to the offence as is deemed necessary. Thank you all and have fun!