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The Collectors / COLLECTORS

  • Faith
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Resources
  • Smuggling

We are the Collectors. We must have all the things!


The Collectors were called together in the early 21st century. Their Lord and Master the ‘Keeper’ demanded that a record be kept everything mankind has ever done, all things from all places. The Collectors would go out into the world and acquire as much knowledge and creativity as they could, to bring back to the vaults of the ‘Keeper’.

There were no limits or restraints put of the Collectors. They had only one task. To collect all things from all places, by any means.

The records kept were vast and ever growing. The finest paintings, sculptures and compositions. The grandest theories of mankind’s beginnings and on how we may progress. The most elaborate of inventions and the most intricate engineering designs.The entire world was in awe of the ‘Keeper’s collection and soon enough specialist guards had to be employed to protect the collection from those that would do damage or steal his prized artefacts. As the collection grew so did the number of guards.

By the late 21st century governments of Earth began to take exception to some of the artefacts held by the ‘Keeper’. For the ‘Keeper’ had no limits to what should be collected, merely that it be the product of man. In his stores were hundreds of strains of virus and bacteria that had been engineered by man for various purposes, both good and bad. The governments deemed them too dangerous and that they should be destroyed. Tensions escalated and soon all out war was declared by several Nations against the ‘Keeper’. As mighty as his forces were they could not hold out forever and after 13 years of fighting he was defeated, although he was never found.

Without their leader the collectors kept to their task unrelentingly. In the name and honour of their leader they collected. They would take everything from everyone in the name of preservation. All the things from all the places!

As time went on decades and decades of fanatical collecting bordered on piracy and their skills in retrieving artefacts meant others soon hired them to assist in smuggling and other activities. Eventually the need to hoard items dissipated. They now live for the rush and the thrill of the collection, to take something others desire.

All the things!


Supreme contractors specialising in the art of collection. Both inanimate and otherwise.

If you want it, we can be hired to obtain it for you. We will always honour our contracts unless they infringe on a brother.

We are fanatical and we will not give up if we have set our sights on something.


We live by the ‘Keepers’ rules:

1) Never betray your brothers.

2) Always honour your contracts, written or verbal. Unless it contravenes the first rule.

3) If it can be easily taken, you must take it. Unless it contravenes the first or second rules.