Stand Alone Complex / COMPLEX

  • Faith
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Infiltration
  • Security

Stand Alone Complex:
“A phenomenon when a collection of similar, but unrelated, behavior by unconnected individuals creates a seemingly concerted effort.”



Stand Alone Complex: A Stand Alone Complex is usually observed after a major incident. People decide to follow the behavior of a person, be it fictional or real. It also describes teamwork in which all the involved members share a common goal and information, but work alone to achieve it in their own way.

We would like to introduce to you the Stand Alone Complex, a new and different form of organization with a selective membership. This is not a Secret Society, or even a Society of Secrets, but perhaps.. something that lives in the space between.

Even on a smaller inter-org. scale the benefits that a collective membership such as this represents should be obvious. Take for example:


Stand Alone Complex: A situation in which the observers can assume the conclusion that multiple subjects are acting as a system for a common goal (a complex); but truly, all subjects had zero involvement with each other and it was merely coincidence that they seemed to have a common goal (stand alone).

The primary intention is simple, to provide a safe and secure form of meaningful information dissemination and a forum for inter-org relationship building. The Complex will not influence decisions and outcomes directly, simply serve as the conduit and framework for such discussions to take place. We intend to allow both formal and informal dissemination of meaningful information between orgs. in a safe environment. This org is of a different nature by design, we are forming this as a partnership between various organizations within the SC universe with several aims in mind, but a core function is a mechanism to disseminate meaningful information across all the major orgs. within the PU, quickly and quietly (such as reports of the movement of a new “Game Master” created Vanduul fleet moving into new areas for example, the Complex can be notified to disseminate this information to the membership orgs. representatives, which can in turn quickly notify all their members through their own channels. Merchants can then know to avoid the area, fighters can have a target for their efforts, etc.).


Stand Alone Complex: A phenomenon where in behavior by unconnected individuals creates a seemingly concentrated effort. This behavior is copied from a previous source without an original. In short Stand alone complex is multiple copies of a behavior, object, view, etc., existing without an original. The laughing Man is a living example of Stand Alone Complex. Not only did hundreds copy his works without knowing who or what he was of there own volition all claiming to be the original. But he himself was copying a plan found floating the net without any apparent source.


We are offering membership initially only to those members in the leadership of the most organized, most influential and most popular of the organizations in an effort to have the broadest reach, and most effect, possible. Initially, membership will be displayed as “Redacted” by default and limited to only a primary representative of each org. selected and an optional proxy/delegate from the same org. The first push is to drive overall membership and participation of influential orgs. However, mid and long term incentive is to provide a centralized location where the leadership of one organization can know who to talk to in a different org. to facilitate whatever intra-org. affairs might be needed and a TS3 hosted server will be available to all members at all times.

Orgs. who have not been directly approached may reach out to the Complex leadership directly to petition to be represented.


The leadership of the Complex will not be actively engaged in the direct affairs of any member org., nor will we have any specific powers to influence the discussions of any Summit meetings or voting rights (except in the case of a tie). We will remain part of, but separate from the actual events. In this way we intend that the Complex is in no way meant to override or influence the primary functions of the membership orgs. We will still retain our own characters in the game and play as we choose, and may even be affiliates within other organizations for the purposes of personal gameplay, but will be committed to remaining as impartial and neutral as possible with respect to Complex matters. We also do we expect or request any special protections or perks within the wider PU from membership orgs. If we are killed by a pirate, that will be part of our actions within the PU and we would demand no special treatment (or retaliation). The only expectation we have are of the same rules that govern the protection of all other members; while on Complex controlled facilities, ships, or officially selected meeting locations or under the ‘flag’ of the Complex in carrying on meetings, no harm shall be done by one member to another (which includes ships and non-Complex members in attendance).


We will also allow for the protection of the original source of information, and its membership as desired. Members would be free to raise items and issues to the whole, or sub-set, of the membership, as well as advertise their affiliation to the Complex or not, but if an important matter should be raised, and there is fear of retaliation, it can be filtered through the Complex leadership which will disseminate the information to the entire org., while protecting the original source.


If feasible, an initial org. hangar will be established out of the funds of the Complex leadership to provide for safe meeting grounds. If this proves to be too costly for us, or if expansions within the hangar or to additional locations within the PU are deemed necessary/desirable, funds could be supplied by the membership orgs. to support this effort (TBD).
  • The Complex organization hangar(s) will provide unrestricted access to its members, those selected representatives of the member orgs. who can speak on behalf of their respective org.
  • Complex Hangars and Ships will be, without question, a safe zone. No harmfully physical actions may be taken by one org. member against any other org member while within the safe zone of the Complex hangar. Complex rules will be structured such that any violation of this provision warrants retaliation by the rest against the offender.
  • Members may use the Complex hangar to discuss any issues or affairs with any other at any time.
  • Discoveries/findings/votes/resolutions/etc. will all be logged in the inter-hangar log system (alternative will be selected as needed), with all information being made available to the body of the membership.

Additionally, an initial fleet will be donated by the Complex leadership to be made available for Complex needs (such as hosting a meeting).


All members will have the same protections and rights. While in Complex hangars, aboard Complex ships or in attendance of Complex meetings, no harm will be done by one member to another either directly or indirectly. Complex ships, defined as those owned by the Complex flying Complex colors and branding, will be treated with Diplomatic protection by the members and their orgs. (where enforceable). At this time, Complex ships are to be flown exclusively by Complex leadership and only for the purpose of facilitating Complex affairs. Outside of this are not allowed to engage in regular gameplay.

Violation of any of these protections warrants swift and immediate retaliation in kind.


One useful function of the Complex will be a monthly (frequency open to discussion by the members) Summit meeting to be held in PU. Attendance is optional, but highly encouraged. Members will have a known place, date and time where the affairs of the Complex, as outlined above, can be discussed. Dialogue can happen at any time by any member to any other member outside of these, but the Summits will be official events which will be held on a regular basis. Items for discussion, debate or dissemination can be submitted to the Complex leadership prior to the Summits, and some limited time will be allocated towards the end for any new items. If it is decided that a vote should occur to decide on a matter, or inclusion in an event, the voting will happen securely (on a system tbd), with one vote per org. Members not able to attend in person will be able to review transcriptions of the Summits at their convenience in the Comple Hangar logs (if available). Additionally, we will make every effort to allow such discussions to be broadcast to all members by whatever means are available to us.


Additionally, we intend to offer conflict remediation services. If two (or more) orgs. are in conflict over any given issue and would like to reach a cessation of conflicts, the Complex will facilitate neutral 3rd party arbitration services. This can be handled by providing the format and facilities to hear from all parties involved who agree to be bound by the decision of the Arbiter or selected committee of peers from among the Complex membership not directly involved in the issue at hand. Remediation can be a public forum, open to the Complex membership or the parties may also select private arbitration.


Should CiG at some later date choose to implement an EVE style “Council of Stellar Management”, the Complex can provide several options:
  • Meeting facilities for discussions and debates between candidates
  • A forum to allow representatives of membership orgs. to raise questions/comments/concerns to the elected representatives
  • Provide a centralized place to allow the elected representatives disseminate information back into the representatives of the orgs., who can in turn disseminate the information among their members.


Q. Our organization is not interested at this time.

_A. That is not a question! Seriously though, we are not expecting everyone, or even anyone, to hop on-board with this straight away. We want to get this idea out to the heads of the orgs. and see if its something that would be a meaningful contribution to the game. We are (realistically) still years away from a living/breathing PU., at which point we will trully see how something like this will take shape.

Q. You mention “we” yet are alone. Who else is with you?

A. ‘We’, would prefer to remain anonymous. There is a small group of us who are subscribed to the initiative at this time. The others are not on the org page for various reasons. some of their orgs don’t allow multiple memberships, among other reasons. They are assisting behind the scenes to help promote the idea. That is all I can say at this time.

Q. Is it the idea of alliance building or simply the option of making it easier to communicate?

A. It is too early to tell at this early stage and therefore unclear at this point how this project will turn out. We outlined a couple models on the Complex org page. Its primarily a place for leadership to be able to interact and interface with leadership of other orgs, for whatever reason is desired by the involved parties. We will provide some structure and rules around this, but not directly influence the results. If there is meaningful information to be shared with the community, this can serve as a hub for that. If orgs. want to form alliances through it, they are free to do so. Plus there is the assurances of safety in the Complex controlled areas to help facilitate this in a safe way.

Q. [REDACTED] is mentioned obviously for safety reasons at this moment. What is keeping you from promoting another leader (higher up within another corporation) which in his turn will allow him to see who is in this organisation.

A. It will be part of the commitment the org has to the members. At this time, I will be the only one with this ability, for obvious reasons someone must. However, if I need some help with the load should this become a popular idea, then I may need to enlist the help of a few select individuals. They would all have the same mandate and restrictions as I, would be vetted, and if necessary, have the candidate approved by the members of the Complex. Of course, nothing is physically stopping me from distributing the list of redacted and hidden members of this org, any more than its stopping you. But you would have a pretty firm assurance. I would be breaking my promise to the heads of many of the most influential orgs. in SC.. how long do you think I would survive being on the top of everyones hit list like that. Not smart on my part. So no, your anonymity would be preserved if you so choose. If we decide at some later point down the line that members should be able to see each other directly, then everyone would be promoted together into a leadership position so all have an equal view. This would be done by consensus of the members only (or majority vote and those not on board can leave in the window between the vote and mass promotion of the membership), but the membership list itself would still remain private to those outside the org.

Q. Did you approach everyone or only a select few?

A. At the moment, in the interest of time, we are going through individually to orgs we are identifying as good candidates to participate in this process. Only a handful of invites have gone out at this time, but we will target to top 1 or 2 hundred orgs first (based on our selection criteria), which alone will take quite some time to go through, then see where we stand from there

Q. How will we know who is participating?

_A. You won’t, at least not for now. We may at some point make it known the number of organizations who are participating as a metric (officially with a member, or unofficially supporting the initiative), but the actual orgs. involved, and their members, will not be disclosed without their express consent, nor will it be shared with the collective “We” working on promoting this idea, just myself /root, will be privy to this information. _