The Brotherhood of Endeavour / CONATUS

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Security

A collective fighting to honour, aid, and liberate humans as well as extraterrestrial life.
Fight for the Brotherhood.


The Brotherhood of Endeavour


The Brotherhood is an acquisitive body, intrinsically advocating the art of military and scientific advance. Our purpose is to liberate our galaxies and homeland from an extant threat; the Vanduul Clans. We raise our arms against the Vanduul, our main threat, yet as we join the unified fight against these creatures we daren’t turn our backs against more human threats. Piracy, brutes and thieves threaten our commerce, our women and children.

“Criminals don’t seek peace; Neither should we” – Cpt Kryavaine 2945

Commandments of the Brotherhood

  1. Enemies of the Brotherhood are decided by official bounty warrants given by the UEE as well as civilians wishing for justice.
  1. Civilian and innocent casualties should be avoided at all costs.
  1. The law set out by the UEE is not the only rulings and justice we impose
  1. Enforcement of the law is vital, following it to do so is optional

A Brother’s Swear

Each newly fledged brother is required to place a hand to the Endeavour whilst reciting the oath scribed by our fallen brethren to whom perished in the Tevarin War:

“I adorn my sigil proudly upon my right breast; nearest to my heart and closest to body and soul. Even if I am stripped down to flesh and bone – sigil no longer – I shall be reminded that the Brotherhood has branded my soul. If I should be knocked down in battle then I shall be at bliss; A hero’s death is one worth dying for.”




The Brotherhood of Endeavour

Written by Legislator & Chief of Management RhoHiYo and our Captain Sonic375

Guild General Laws:

  • I. Enemies of the Brotherhood are decided by official bounty warrants given by the UEE as well as civilians wishing for justice.
    • A.Warrants assigned to the Brotherhood by the populace can be declined if reason is deemed unfit.
    • B.Warrants will be payed in full upon completion of the task.
  • II. Civilian and innocent casualties should be avoided at all costs.
    • A.Casualties as a result of allied forces during a crusade aren’t at fault of the Brotherhood.
  • III.The law set out by the UEE aren’t the laws we religiously adhere to; yet follow until they obstruct justice.
    • A.Enforcement of the law is vital; the methods are optional, yet think of the standing prior to your actions.
  • IV. Pillaging; raiding; or acts of piracy without consulting the Council/ highest Rank 3+ authority are deemed heretic amongst our ranks.
  • V. Theft amongst the Brotherhood’s inventory, equipment, and spacecraft is forbidden and can result in exile or capital punishment.

Guild Contract Laws and Guidelines:

  • I. The Brotherhood has full rights to revoke a contract if the payment wasn’t received in full by a provided deadline.
    • A.We accept REC, AUEC, and pre-decided upon items for trade which will be outlined before the job has been accepted within accordance of the Chief of Management.
  • II. The Brotherhood holds complete rights to decline a contract if the reason is deemed unfit.
    • A.Refunds will not be compensated if REC / AUEC is sent before agreement from the Brotherhood.