Contentious Syndicate / CONTENT

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Exclusive
  • Infiltration
  • Social

We are Contentious. The Guiding Hand.

CONTENT. For the good of the Verse.


What started as a small group of online friends who trickled into the Verse organized into a shadow legion with a shared history of space combat. Quickly, their names became synonymous with skill and cunning over the servers. The Contentious Syndicate grew rapidly once word of their exploits spread. The Syndicate has agents placed all throughout the Verse, but no one knows either their true numbers nor their intent beyond one evident goal: content.


We are Contentious. We drive content in the Verse.


So, you’re curious. Looking for more information on the group that has their hand on the pulse. Good. You show promise.

Do you want to be the Guiding Hand? An agent of Content throughout the Verse?

Find the Phoenix. Then ask about the Penguin.