Merry Men Freelance Nation / CORVEC

  • Club
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Social

The Merry Men Pledge:
By donning this pink uniform/ armor
I pledge to honor and respect what it represents:
A pledge to be a beacon in the verse for those in need
A pledge to keep the verse safe for myself and my fellow citizens alike
A pledge that’s a call to action

I pledge to be a Merry Man!


There once was a Merry Man, Now we are the Merry Men


Who’s asking?


The following has been set forth by Corvec and his Merry Men as guidlines and laws which shall dictate the behavior and actions of those who don the Pink.

Section 1: All Merry Men shall conduct themselves in accordance with the spirit of the Merry Man Pledge.

Section 2: The Merry Man shall be led by a single civilian president, who shall oversee the overall mission of the organization

Section 3: The Merry Men shall first and formost be dedicated to preserving the peace and wellbeing of all citizens in the verse

Section 4: The Merry Men shall maintain a strong and highly organized military arm in order to maintain peace throughout its servers. This shall be comprised of a fleet as well as ground forces. This “Legion” shall be led by Merry Men Military High Command: Fleet Admiral FilthyZzz, General Nomad, and Supreme Commander KingofWorms1999.

Section 5: The Military shall be subservient to the interests of Corvec and the Merry Men Pledge as a concept, and ultimately shall serve to protect any and all Merry Men events, act as security details for any crew operations as needed, wage war against hostile actors, and protect new players from griefers.

Section 6: The Merry Men is first and foremost a social organization, thus cultivating relationships with freelancer players and allowing them to crew, play with, and interact with Merry Men is necessary to remain in keeping with the spirit of our illustrious pledge.

Section 7: Merry Men shall conduct themselves in a professional manner when representing our cause, as such there shall be no descrimination on the basis of race, sex, gender, ethnicity, etc permitted. Any violations shall not be tolorated. Yeah… you can be a chick and be a Merry Man.

Section 8: In the event of extreme threat, up to and including straying from the virtues of our pledge, facing overwhelming or extreme danger from an outside force or if the security of the Merry Men is compromised, extrordinary measures shall be taken in order to secure the Merry Men and their vital role within the Verse.

Section 9: At the end of the day, have fun, this is intended to separate us from other so called “orgs” come around when you want to have fun and if you cant or just don’t feel like running with us, that’s okay too.

Section 10: IRL commitments before Merry Men. We are comrades and thus will always be here to lend a helping hand.