Sharpe Deliveries / COSB

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We are the Church of the Space Butterfly, we follow the teachings of the ancient prophet Cox, we seek the enlightenment of the Great and Wise Space Butterfly and we await the rebirth and return of our Grand Warrior Prophet Cox as was foretold in his teachings.


The Beginning

In the barbaric years of the early 21st century, a wise man and teacher of the youth came upon the radiant splendor of the Great and Wise Space Butterfly.
“We choose you Jesse Cox, we choose you to bear our word and give of it to the people of the Earth.”
And so he did.
Grand Warrior Prophet Cox spread the word of the Great and Wise Space Butterfly, through the information network of the time, speaking to hundreds of thousands.
While many did follow the teachings of Grand Warrior Prophet Cox, he was not truly believed or taken seriously.
As he lay muscled and grizzled on his death bed, surrounded by half-naked weeping young women, the Great and Wise Space Butterfly came to him once more and said
“We shall not let you fail Jesse Cox, once this world has matured and is ready for our word, we shall bring you back through the gates of glamour, to the world of man. Rest now, and rejoice as you join us beyond the gates.”
With that, the Grand Warrior Prophet Cox expired and joined with the Great and Wise Space Butterfly.

The Resurgence

Many hundred years later, the teachings of Grand Warrior Prophet Cox were discovered by those who would come to form the Church of the Space Butterfly.
Video recordings that had otherwise been forever lost to humanity when the great evil of the ancient Cult of Copyrights scoured the Network of Enlightenment, bringing upon humanity a new dark age.
Through the eternal wisdom of the Great and Wise Space Butterfly, the ancient followers of Grand Warrior Prophet Cox had hidden his teachings on data storage devices not connected to the Network of Enlightenment, allowing them to be untouched by the Cult of Copyrights.
These video recordings are what has formed the foundation of the Church of the Space Butterfly, may we all bathe in it’s glorious splendour.


  • We devote ourselves to the teachings of our Grand Warrior Prophet Cox, derived from the word of the Great and Wise Space Butterfly.
  • We devote ourselves to the search for ever more of the teachings of our Grand Warrior Prophet Cox.
  • We give ourselves to the Great and Wise Space Butterfly, may we all bathe in it’s Glorious Splendour.
  • We await the rebirth of our Grand Warrior Prophet Cox, preparing ourselves and humanity to receive him.


Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith. Please come back soon to learn more about our community.