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Church of the Light / COTL

  • Faith
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Social

Our mission, Enlightened ones, is to spread the light of our fore fathers to unwashed masses of the galaxy. We shall spread word and convert all those who stand in our way. Together with the power of light we shall we shall ignite a burning flame that will cleanse the galaxy’s from their sins.


The Path of Light

Since the Dawn time, the speakers of light spread throughout the universe battling the tainted and fighting the unwashed. The Vicars of light took fleets across the universe converting races of all kinds to the ways the of light. Light spread Strongly across the galaxy and many planets were under The Churches control.

The Wake

Then the wake came. A dark and evil race known as the Vanduul destroyed the planets and ships the Church of Light Had spent so long in building. Many believers of the light where put to death by the vermin and the church was on the brink of destruction. But one Planet Held.


The Planet Vatican repelled Thousands of Vanduul attacks and Never fell to swarms of ships bombarding it. The council of Vicars were left no choice. They decided to warp the planet away from the Vanduul and into Hyperspace. Since then the planet Vatican has been lost.


Our Mission is a clear and simple as the light we follow.


Our primary goal is Convert all races and people to the ways of the light and the practice’s of our Church. Which is to practise the clensing of the soul before the light and to redeem the sins of the galaxy through what ever means possible.

This might include the Conversion of planets and fleets that the church can use to spread the light across the galaxy and return the church to is former glory.


The church has seen it time to Relocate our lost capital and return it to the empire of the light where it can shine a holy beam onto the those who pass it and call deep into the souls of travelers.


The Vermin must pay. The swarms of Vanduul that destroyed our empire must pay for there sins. Any and all Vanduul that the preachers of light come into contact with must be eradicated and destroyed at the nearest opportunity. Crusades of light may be called on Vanduul home worlds or planets.



Okay guys, Its simple:

1. Abusive behavior will not be tolerated.

2. Be available at least once every two weeks.

3. Role play or no play when doing church missions.

4. Have fun at all times, we are doing this for a laugh.

5. Try to do as much as possible with the group