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Cosmic Ventures©, a Symbiotic Conglomerate

The idea of the Symbiotic Conglomerate was founded on the principles and theories submitted by Rafa’El B. Winchester in his thesis, “Ontogenesis: The Evolution of Conglomerates”. Winning the 2863 Sol Nobel Prize in economics, this thesis has proven to be the basis of nearly every successful conglomerate since its initial publishing date.

Although the fundamental reasoning for its popularity has been heavily debated through the years, no one can deny its positive effect on the corporate world, and no one can claim to have a deeper understanding of the intricacies of its structure and functions than Citizen Winchester’s heirs. Therefore, it is understandable that entrepreneurs flocked to Captain Robert Bruce Winchester when he decided to follow his heritage into the corporate world and pierce the veil of business.

The following are excerpts from some of Captain Bruce’s personal presentation notes describing his business philosophies:


Symbiosis is the close and often long-term interaction between two or more different entities. In 2377, Albert Bernhart used the word symbiosis (which previously had been used to depict people living together in a community) to describe the mutualistic relationship in businesses. In 2618 Anton de Bary, renowned economist, defined such symbiosis as “the combined profits of unlike industries”.

The definition of symbiosis in the context of businesses is controversial among economists. Some believe symbiosis should only refer to persistent mutualisms, while others believe it should apply to any type of persistent business interaction (mutualistic, commensalistic, or parasitic). After more than 300 years of debate, current economic and business documents now use the latter “de Bary” definition or an even broader definition (i.e. symbiosis = all business interactions) with exclusion of the restrictive definition (i.e. symbiosis = mutualism).
Symbiote or symbiont, is an organization in a symbiotic conglomerate relationship. In cases in which a distinction is made between two interacting organizations, the symbiont is the smaller of the two and is always a beneficiary in the relationship while the larger is the host or parent and may or may not derive a benefit. In these instances the lack of profit in such is rarely used to quantitate a prolonged business relationship.

Some symbiotic relationships are obligate, meaning that both symbionts entirely depend on each other for profit. For example: many conglomerates consist of public and private company symbionts that cannot manage on their own. Others are facultative meaning that they can, but do not have to, make a profit with the other companies.

My father’s industry changing theories, primarily apply to mutualistic relationships. A mutualistic relationship is when two organizations of different industries “work together,” each benefiting from the relationship.


The economist Lynn Marqulis, famous for her biography of Rafa’El Winchester (“Are You Not Entertained?”), contends that symbiosis is a major driving force behind the Banu’s galactic trade monopolies. She considers Destria’s notion of business evolution driven by competition to be incomplete and claims that profit-making is strongly based on co-operation, interaction, and mutual dependence among businesses. According to Margulis and Dorion Sagan, “The Banu did not take over numerous systems by combat, but by networking and trade”.


A conglomerate is a combination of two or more corporations engaged in entirely different businesses that fall under one corporation, usually referred to as the parent company, and its ventures. Conglomerates are often large, interstellar, multi-industry companies. Cosmic Ventures is well on the path to being the largest conglomerate seen in the last several hundred years.

Many conglomerates are formed from genuine interests of diversification, rather than manipulation of monetary returns on investment. Companies with this orientation would only make acquisitions or start new branches in other sectors when they believed this would increase profitability or augment stability by sharing risks.

Forming a conglomerate usually involves consolidation via mergers and acquisitions, although the group concept focuses on the instances in which the merged and acquired corporate entities remain in existence, rather than the instances in which they are dissolved by the parent.

Advantages of Conglomerates-

Diversification results in a reduction of investment risk. A downturn suffered by one venture can be counterbalanced by stability, or even expansion, in another sphere of influence. For example: if ReaperTec’s ship materials business has a bad year, the loss would be offset by a good year in the Flying Circus’s commodities shipping business. This advantage is enhanced by the fact that the business cycle affects industries in different ways. Very valuable opportunities emerge that can be exploited to increase conglomerate wide profits.

A conglomerate creates an internal capital market if the external business climate is not developed enough. Through the internal market, different parts of the conglomerate allocate capital more effectively. A conglomerate may also show earnings growth by acquiring companies whose profits are more substantial than its own.

A venture (or in the antiquated form of reference – subsidiary), is a company that is supported either financially, logistically, or both by another corporation, where the parent corporation requires adherence to conglomerate-wide activities and policies on the part of the venture.

A parent company does not have to be the larger or “more powerful” entity; it is possible for the parent company to be smaller than a subsidiary. This is the case in instances such as Cosmic Ventures, a closely held family company, which controls Cosmos Media, a large corporation which manages the Eclipse Racing Team and the Rae Singh© franchise. Conversely, the parent may be larger than some or all of its subsidiaries (if it has more than one) as the relationship between a parent and subsidiary is defined by its members’ allegiance and valued support, not numbers of employees.

The parent and the venture do not necessarily have to operate in the same locations or operate the same businesses, although it is possible that they could conceivably be competitors in the marketplace. Such arrangements happen and normally end with a hostile takeover or voluntary merger. Because a parent company and its ventures are separate entities, it is entirely possible for one of them to be involved in legal proceedings, bankruptcy, tax delinquency, indictment, and/or under investigation while the other is not.

Ventures are separate and distinct legal entities for the purposes of taxation, regulation, and liability. For this reason they differ from divisions, which are businesses fully integrated within the main company and not legally or otherwise distinct from it. In other words: a venture can sue and be sued separately from its parent and its obligations will not normally be the obligations of its parent. This distinction is not infallible however, as creditors of an insolvent venture may be able to obtain a judgment against the parent if they can pierce the corporate veil and prove that the parent and subsidiary are mere alter egos of one another.”

The following is an excerpt from Captain Bruce’s best-seller-

“If You Haven’t Heard Of Cosmic Ventures…You Will!”

Chapter 8: With Great Power….
Section 4 – Checks and Balances

Previously we have explored the delicate balance of power and responsibility, establishing that the Upper Tiers afford immense levels of both. We also covered the various Councils needed to support and maintain that balance. As a result, and in order to stabilize the balance of power, another important aspect of the Cosmic Venture conglomerates is needed; the Board of Regents. A body of elected or appointed members, who jointly oversee the activities of the organization. Other names used in some venues include, board of directors, board of governors, board of managers, and board of trustees. In any of its forms, it is often simply referred to as “the board”.

A board’s activities are determined by the powers, duties, and responsibilities delegated to it or conferred on it by an authority outside itself, typically as detailed in the convening organization’s bylaws. The bylaws usually also specify the number of members of the board, how they are to be chosen, and when they are to meet.

In an organization with voting members the board acts on behalf of, and is subordinate to, the organization’s voting membership which usually elects the members of the board. In Cosmic Ventures, the board is elected by a combination of election by their peers AND appointment by the Consul. This places them as the highest authority in the management of the corporation, second only to the Founder.

  • Typical duties of boards of directors include:
    • Governing the organization by establishing distinct policies and objectives
    • Selecting, appointing, supporting and reviewing the performance of the Consul
    • Ensuring the availability of adequate financial resources
    • Approving annual budgets
    • Accounting to the members for the organization’s performance
    • Setting the Donation percentages and compensation of Roles and Tiers
  • The legal responsibilities of the board and board members vary with the nature of the organization, and with the jurisdiction within which it operates. Typically the board chooses one of its members to be the Chairman, who holds whatever title is specified in the bylaws and guides the actions of the board.

For more information, please download the Cosmic Venture Mobi-glas app and continue to learn about Symbiotic Conglomerations.


“CV’s published declaration of the intentions, motives, and/or views of the organization and its members”

  • Have the ability to say you are wrong, even though you aren’t.
  • Choose friendship over wealth.
  • You have the ability to kill, but you do not have the right to judge.
  • The only thing you should be addicted to, is earning credits.
  • Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the ‘Verse, are the ones who do.
  • You can make money without doing harm to others.
  • Be warned – Not without a fight.
  • Carpe Diem!
  • Customer service CAN be a revenue generator.
  • If you must choose between two evils, pick the one you’ve never tried before.
  • You should not confuse your career, with your life.
  • Get in the habit of doing More than you were paid to do.
  • Don’t Worry, Be Happy
  • It’s not how good you are, it’s how bad you want it!
  • The price of living, is dying, and everybody pays.
  • LOYALTY! Live by it and Die for it.
  • Beaten Paths, are for Beaten Men.
  • All losers had one thing before they lost… a CHANCE!
  • If we do not play well with others…It’s because others seem to have a problem with losing.
  • It’s not how long you live, it’s how well you die.
  • Teamwork is the fuel that allows common people to produce uncommon results.
  • We take these risks not to escape life…but to prevent life from escaping us.
  • What is Right, is not always Popular. What is Popular, is Not always Right.
  • You do not greet Death, you punch him in the throat repeatedly as he drags you away.
  • No Fear.


As with any crew or culture, our rules and codes of conduct are constantly evolving.
However, some rules are unshakable as they are the foundation of the crew’s existence and ability to thrive.
They are all about — loyalty.

  1. Loyalty to the crew always comes first. First to the ship itself, by respecting your Signatures (Sigs) and positions, above all else. And secondly, though no less important, to your fellow crewmembers.
    In any situation it’s not about whether another crewmember is right or wrong, but the fact that he is your brother. All members must be prepared to give their lives for either one of the two.
  2. All members must at all times adhere to the crew’s spirit of unity and reject conformist culture.
  3. The Captain is the supreme commander of the crew. Any member found to be spreading contention or rebellion amongst the crew (be against the Captain or crew policies,) will be severely dealt with and/or stripped of his Sig.
  4. Respect the crew’s strict code of silence. Any member found guilty of divulging crew business, policies, or goings on to anyone that is not a member – unless specifically directed by the Captain, will be severely dealt with and/or stripped of his Sig. “What you hear here, what you see here, what you say here, stays here.”
  5. The crew’s code of honor is strictly enforced. Any member found guilty of cowardice, will be severely dealt with and/or stripped of his Sig.
  6. Any member who steals from the crew will be severely dealt with and/or stripped of his Sig.
  7. Any member found guilty of conning another member, will be severely dealt with and/or stripped of his Sig.
  8. Any member that pulls a gun or any murderous weapon during “council meetings”, will be severely dealt with and/or stripped of his Sig.
  9. Any member that lays with another member’s “consocia” (companion or consort), will be severely dealt with and/or stripped of his Sig.
  10. Any member found guilty of not helping another member in genuine trouble will be severely dealt with and/or stripped of his Sig.

Wearing the Signature demands more than just having a good time. There is a responsibility and commitment to the crew and brotherhood.

Every member’s main priority is to give rather than receive —
  • Give respect, expect respect.
Act with disrespect, and expect nothing less in return.
  • Loyalty breeds loyalty.