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Cowboy Tea Shop / COWBOYTEA

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Trading

Welcome to Cowboy Tea Shop (CTS), a Syndicate of highly talented fighters, pilots, healers etc. looking to pick up Bounty Hunting, Mercenary work and more! We are a group of motivated and ambitious people, welcoming of those who wish to learn or house those who have been in the stars for a while.


In the heart of GrimHEX, nine talented mercenaries met amongst the metal asteroid. Sitting in the bar, they reconvened after a long day running resources, taking bounties, healing for money and transporting ore - the group nodded in agreement at the proposition to create a Syndicate. Whilst the group ran far outside of law, the group were well aware they needed to ensure their safety with the power of their numbers.

PERSIVAL-011 [NAME_FILE_CORRUPTED] – Born in Jumptown to a family of drug runners, PERSIVAL-011 took a particular liking to formulating her own medical enhancements, improvements and assistants to get people on their feet and feeling even better than they did before she met them. Now a skilled medic, PERSIVAL-011 travels throughout the stars in order to preserve her companions to whom she is loyal to and those who offer her a large amount of coin. PERSIVAL-011 met CROW-072 at Jumptown, both having a protective fondness over each other. CROW-072 looked after her as she practiced medicine as he was a swifter fighter than she. The two joined a vicious PMC called “Wings of Perdition” together, sent into deep bunkers as a stealthy duo to retrieve fallen members. The two gained their call signs inside of the Company, sticking with them as it allowed for them to create their own identity outside of Jumptown. They were discovered to be some of the most talented search and rescue teams in the stars, opting to continue to have each others backs long after they left the PMC. She is careful with what she says but blunt to those who need it having been brought up around dangerous and aggressive criminals. CTS is now her family, and she will protect them to the end.

CROW-072 [NAME_FILE_CORRUPTED] – CROW-072 was raised in a military family, learning the ins and outs of combat from a young age, although self taught at others. At some point he found Yela to be his home, alone and without help. After surviving amongst questionable people for a while he ended up side by side with PERSIVAL-011 in Jumptown, facing the challenges of survival, and acting as a protector. Eventually a questionable and gritty PMC arrived on the planet en masse, called “Wings of Perdition” looking for hardened and desperate recruits to take off the planet. Seeing no other way out, they snatched at the opportunity to be anywhere but there. They rapidly made a name for themselves as an efficient duo amongst the company, operating search and rescues unlikely to be seen from anyone else. After making enough money to survive, between the PMC and Bounty Hunting jobs, the two were able to make their way out of the ranks of the PMC and out into the universe to use their knowledge for their own gain.

Jace Winters – Much of Jace’s history is construed; what little is known has come primarily from a service record in the UEE.
Enlisted shortly before 2945, the start of the Vanduul War, Jace was assigned with UEEN Aggressor Squadron 323, specializing in mimicking Vanduul tactics and utilizing alien technology, the squadron was primarily equipped with human-made Glaives and various weaponry. During this deployment, an experimental weapon was released causing several members to be infected by a parasitic mutation designated [Neuropsychic-Mutagen]
This parasitic weapon hijacked and merged with the individual’s mind and nervous system, affecting many of the mental processes. The UEE established a quarantine of the squadron while experimenting on the infected individuals.
When the tests failed and hope for a cure vanished, the decision to purge the select individuals was made as to prevent any possible chance of contagion; However before the purge could be done, an attack on the frontier by the Vanduul forces left the fleet in near ruins.
With the fleet in ruins, and the parasitic creatures will to survive; Jace made his way off-ship escaping through the Jump Points until he ended up on Hurston. Jace would remain hidden amidst the residents of Loreville for many months; and as such the parasite set in further, eventually the mutagen destroyed the flesh it impacted; and little is still known on its capabilities, however it never fully took over the host.
What little is known is that the two seem to operate symbiotically, with now each one relying on the other. The parasite is unable to assume full control of the host, apart from basic motor functions and an integral voice.
With limited opportunity on Loreville; and wanting to utilize his skills elsewhere in the verse, Jace set course off planet, looking to find refuge on the infamous Grimhex, due to their conflicts with the UEE. Along the way he stumbled upon a stow-away, Cassius. The two quickly became friends along their travels, looking for opportunities elsewhere and with Cassius’s love for piloting, Jace mentored the younger man throughout their travels.

Guy “Dusk” Bucanan – Having enlisted at the age of 18 with the UEEN he focused on ordinances and explosives, finding a niche that he fit into very well. After a few years focusing on the weapon systems he submitted the paperwork and transitioned to officer. Once in an officer role he trained and eventually got placed in command of his own ship, a Vanguard. Realizing the ship was the perfect combination of explosive firepower and maneuverability he found himself relishing the position he found himself in and progressed through the ranks before he achieved the rank of Commander. After his ninth year of service, he walked away from the Navy and found himself trying to find a place for himself, yet he realized that in his travels he was keeping an eye out for anyone promising who seemed to share the same kind of ideals as the others. But he could normally be found drifting between station-to-station chatting with people but also eagerly awaiting any chance to get back in the cockpit.

Cassius “Shammy” Renn – Cassius grew up on the backstreets of Lourville, watching the ships flying in and out of Tesa Spaceport. Wanting to get off the dust covered planet, Cassius stowed away on the first ship he was able to sneak on to. The Ship belonged to his now friend Jace, the latter was impressed with the young Renn’s willingness and drive to learn all he could about ships and the universe, Jace began to teach and mentor the younger man. The pair grew into a friendship, meeting others along the way as they began to make their way. Renn learned that he was willing, and able, to skirt the letter of the law when needed, making a home on Grim Hex as he fell into a routine as a trade and pilot for what became his new family. Never one to turn down a challenge, Renn does what is needed of him for the Tea Shop to survive.

Desmond “Raven” Khonvix – Raven was born into the streets of ArcCorps mega cities. By the age of 17, Desmond had fallen into a life of petty crime to support his “family” with Tristan age 7 & Jamie age 10 had become Desmond’s new family after losing his family at a young age. Having found the 2 close to death, Desmond assumed responsibility and began to care for the 2 children with what little credits he had. After realizing the amount of credits he had wasn’t enough, he then began robbing people in the dark alleyways of Area 11. This worked for a while but as Tristan and Jamie grew up, the need for credits grew and grew and the supply shrank to less and less. Realizing that he couldn’t keep up with the demand, Desmond joined the UEE Navy and quickly proved himself to have superior skills, the Navy realizing his potential was being wasted in the lower enlisted ranks he was assigned to Squad [REDACTED] and flew as a wingman in an experimental fighter class Anvil F8A Lightning codenamed “Phantom”. After his service in the Vanduul War Desmond tried his best to fall back into civilian life but decided to use the money he received from the Navy to purchase himself his own ship and quickly fell in with the group known as “Cowboy Tea Shop”.

Ian M. Mori aka “Juan Platanos” – Ian is, by trade, a delivery boy and nurse; it’s a sad life in the ‘Verse, coming to the final frontier and immediately being asked to ship things he doesn’t need or want in the few ships he calls his own, all while trying to get his career as a Space Nurse off the ground. He had to create a persona for his delivery business: Juan Platanos; keeping both lives separate, for the sake of not ever letting his parents know that he kills criminals on the side and ships shady goods, he hopes that when he gets to be more known for his medical work he could retire from the life of Juan Platanos. As Juan Plantanos he flies a Mercury Starrunner and a Scorpius, and as Ian M. Mori he flies a Cutlass Red. With the Cowboy Tea Shop, he hopes to work more with Persival in gaining a stronger medical reputation over the less legal activities everyone else in the Tea Shop tries to do for money. For now, he is a Cowboy in space.

Arlington “Arlo” Silva – Credits. It’s all about credits. That’s the name of the game, that’s how the game came to be played, and you just lost the game.
You lost because Arlo won. Clambering over corpses, bullet casings and business ledgers, Arlo came to make, fake, and take credits. You can be anyone with enough credits and Arlo didn’t want to be who he was.
The ‘Verse was a practical bounty of credits, just waiting to be taken. Arlo had no use for the UEEN and so went his own way. Fell in with a ground based pirate group and made his way forward. When that no longer suited him, he stole his first star fighter and took to the stars. After moments of terror, he found himself floating in space, a tank full of fuel and money in his pocket. Who did he want to be?
The Cowboy Tea Shop held his answer.

Luka “LuLu” Luu – Though Luka hasn’t spoken often of his childhood and birth, a stiff drink and good food will have him regaling any who will listen about his time in the UEE ferrying Marines in his beloved Valkyrie’s. Spending the majority of his life behind the stick, ‘LuLu’ as he was affectionately called by the men he ferried, found himself growing bored with the structure and rules of a military lifestyle. Honorably discharged with a hefty stipend, Luka began a life as transport and gunship for hire, all from the cockpit of another much more personalized Valkyrie. His position remains much the same in the Tea Shop as it was in the UEE, chomping at the bit for another ‘hotdrop’ at any moment.


Cowboy Tea Shop (CTS) intentions lay far outside of the law, opting to call GrimHEX their home base. CTS intends to ensure the safety of each other before anyone else, lay low and avoid prison and make money in order to live comfortably as a Syndicate.

CTS is motivated by the injustices present through the stars, wanting to punish those who enforce cruel rules and hold far too much power than they should have. CTS wants freedom in its purest form; freedom to be who you want, do what you want and live how you want.
