Coyotes / COYOTES

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Social

Free ranging but fiercely protective of our family…

The Coyotes exist to work hard and play hard. We may be free-spirited loaners, but we take care of our own.
(Anyone see 10 Billion Space Bucks laying around? I think I misplaced them!)



Star Citizen—(Active)
2944—Coyotes Form
2945—Coyotes organize under Dark Star Squadron’s Joint Operations Division. “Coyote Wing” is formed.


The Coyotes exist as a loose social organization. You won’t find a traditional command and control hierarchy as in a corporation or military unit. What you will find is a group that operates for the benefit of each other. If one Coyote is in need, others will be there to help. Outside of desperate or pre-planned operations, the Coyotes tend to operate independently or in small groups, favoring freedom of action over regimented organization.

The Coyotes tend to align with “neutral good” or “chaotic good.”

Common Career Choices


-Bounty Hunting





This is a casual group. People have lives outside of the game, and events outside often take priority.


The Coyote’s follow a code, and it is this…

Coyotes are family.
Coyotes fight for their family.
Coyotes never betray their family.