CPF Technology / CPFTECH

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Social
  • Social

CPF Technology – Better gaming through superior firepower. Committed to the core values of discovery and proliferation of all things related to tech, science, and gaming found in the known universe.
‘Hunting down smugglers, pirates, and other law-breaking scum is just a bonus benefit’


We at CPF Technology are committed to the detailed planning and efficient execution of a variety of client services.

  • Courier pickup and delivery of VIP personnel or packages.
  • Discrete ship escort from system to system.
  • Transportation of bulk cargo.
  • Exploration, scouting, and intelligence gathering operations.
  • Local space security, pirate hunting, and bounty services.
  • ‘Problem solving and elimination’ (inquiries welcome).

Contact a service specialist today to discuss your spacefaring needs!


CPF Technology’s fleet only utilizes spacecraft from the most trustworthy and dependable aerospace manufacturing corporations.

  • Anvil Aerospace
  • Musashi Industrial and Starflight Concern

Zevious “Priest” Jinx recommends using only authentic Gallenson Tactical ammunition for all your rapid fire ballistic weaponry needs.

GT ammunition – For when every shell has to absolutely count. You and your ships safety may depend on it.


CPF Technology is an Equal Opportunity Organization to all members without regard to species, race, religion, sex, system origin, age, disability, or genetics under UEE and local regulations.

CPF Technology complies with all United Empire of Earth laws and Imperial regulations when and where appropriate. If a member independently undertakes any actions which become contrary to this charter, they may be disavowed and subjected to ‘problem solving’ as determined by the organization.