Venture Origins / CRAPSHOOT

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Exclusive
  • Freelancing
  • Infiltration

Venture Origins is an 18+ org built for those who crave freedom and profit in the dark corners of space. We value loyalty, action, and the thrill of the chase. Apply as a member and see if you’ve got what it takes. Our Charter Page lays out the rules. Join the crew, or find your own path.


Established: January 1st , 2020


The Fall of Promises

Our journey began like many others, under the promise of prosperity and unity. Ghost and H0rd joined the Phantom Regiment under the command of Captain Merco, an organization that seemed to offer the chance for a new life among the stars.

Together, we dreamed of wealth, freedom and power.

As H0rd grew closer to Merco and began to understand the inner workings of the organization, I saw the fractures that ran deep. Whispers of discontent echoed through the ranks. Separatism had already taken root, and many members had started pursuing their own methods of communication and ways forward.

When the opportunity to acquire the Kraken arose, Ghost proposed a fair, equal investment split—four ways. The four investors disappeared, and Merco, the leader of the Regiment, failed to pay his portion. Instead, he promised UEE credits—meaningless in the lawless parts of space where we made our home. He offered nothing of true value.

While H0rd being the only one to contribute to the capital ship, patience ceased due to Merco’s inaction and failure weighed on our efforts.

Ghost and I knew we had to part ways.

It was evident that words would no longer suffice. We distanced ourselves from the Regiment and struck our own path, carving a new future for ourselves.

From that break, Venture Origins was born—founded on action, trust, and a commitment to something more than empty promises.

The Fractured Promises of the UEE:

The United Empire of Earth thrives on the exploitation of its taxpayers while abandoning its responsibilities. It neglects the borderlands, undermines the Civilian Defense Force, and prioritizes bureaucratic infighting over the safety and prosperity of its citizens.

The UEE is absent where it matters most. It fails to respond to the needs of its people, leaving the burden of protection, aid, and governance to others. We have fought under the CDF, delivering aid and defending the borderlands, only to watch the UEE hoard resources and enforce laws that prioritize the privileged.

Though we recognize moments of justice within the UEE, we refuse to be complicit in their exploitation. When they fail, we stand ready to act.


Our Creed:

Venture Origins exists to build a new order, one that values action, trust, and the prosperity of all who share in its vision.

Revolution and Reform:

The UEE’s governance is a relic that favors the wealthy and neglects the borderlands. We seek to reform and revolutionize the systems of planetary governance, ensuring prosperity for all—not just the privileged few.

United Vision:

We reinforce and strengthen our coalition of like-minded industrial and militaristic organizations to secure a domain free from UEE oppression and safe from external threats.
Action Over Words: Deeds, not promises, define leadership. Respect is earned through work, sacrifice, and results.
Trust and Merit: Each member is a stakeholder in our future. Trust is not given but earned, and merit is the currency of advancement.

Accountability for the UEE:

When the UEE chooses to stand idle in times of need, we will hold them accountable. We know the resources at their disposal, and we will not allow them to debate aid while lives hang in the balance.

Our Mission:

Venture Origins exists to expand, defend, and build.

  • Conquer and Create: Establish a secure and prosperous domain beyond the reach of the UEE’s corruption.
  • Reinforce and Protect: Strengthen our coalition and ensure the safety and prosperity of our allies and members.
  • Empower and Endure: Secure a future where freedom and opportunity thrive through exploration, trade, and innovation.
To the UEE:

We act decisively to secure our future. Those who exploit and neglect the vulnerable will find that their time is over, and those left abandoned will know there is a better way.
Your failures are evident in every abandoned borderland and every unheeded call for aid. While you debate, we act. While you hoard resources, we redistribute to those in need. Your empire has become a monument to inefficiency, and its days of unchallenged dominance are numbered.

A Warning to All
To those who underestimate us: hear this—Venture Origins will never be shackled, nor silenced. We are the architects of a new order, relentless in our pursuit of freedom. We will not bow to oppression, corruption, or neglect.

We are Venture Origins.
Pioneers of freedom, defenders of the forgotten, and rebels of the highest order. From the ashes of betrayal, we rise—undaunted and unrepentant.

“Carve your own path, for no one else will.”



Respect and Consideration: All members are expected to treat each other with respect and consideration. Harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or any form of offensive behavior will not be tolerated.

Admin/Moderator Authority: Admins and moderators have the authority to enforce the code of conduct and carry out disciplinary actions when necessary. Their decisions should be respected and followed by all members.

Disciplinary Actions: Violations of the code of conduct may result in disciplinary actions, which can include but are not limited to warnings, temporary loss of voice or text chat privileges, temporary or permanent removal from specific channels or server, and permanent expulsion from the server.

Disorderly Conduct: Engaging in disorderly conduct, such as excessive spamming, trolling, or disruptive behavior, may result in temporary loss of voice, text, or access to Venture Origins’ servers. The duration of the disciplinary action will depend on the severity and frequency of the offense.

Repeated Offenses: Repeat offenses will be taken seriously and may lead to more severe consequences, including removal from the organization. Members are encouraged to learn from their mistakes and contribute positively to the server’s community.

Respectful Communication: While light-hearted banter and jokes are encouraged, any form of disrespect or offensive language towards other members is strictly prohibited. Immediate expulsion may occur in cases of severe disrespect, unless both parties involved explicitly state that they are simply joking.

Promotion of Unofficial Allies: Promotion of other organizations that are not officially recognized as allies is prohibited. Please consult with admins or moderators if you are unsure about the status of a particular organization.