Critical Failure / CRITFAIL

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Welcome to our Org Profile. Feel free to browse the member list and check our Recruitment section if you wish to join us.


What is Critical Failure?

Simply, we are a group of gamers. We have our roots in EQ, EQ2, DAoC, SB, Vanguard, WAR, Rift and many more games of the past.


So who we are ?

Simply, we are a group of gamers. We have our roots in EQ, EQ2, DAoC, Warhammer online and many more games. Now we are looking forward to have some fun in Star Citizien.

So what are we good at ?

Playing, mostly. Our jokes need a lot of work still. We like to find unusual solutions for problems. We are good at strategies and applying tactics. And we love to group.

What are our play times ?

Our core team is based in Central Europe, so we usually start playing around 19:00 gmt+1 on weekdays, probably earlier on weekends.

What kind of players are we / what kind of players are we looking for ?

Well that’s a hard one. We are looking for mature players. This does not mean that we have a minimum age requirement. It means that your behaviour should be mature.
We are looking for people who know what they do, people who can follow simple directions and still think on their own feet.
You should be more interested in mastering things together than getting better gear for you. And you should understand that Real Life is more important to us than any game.
Most of our members are (more or less) grown up, study or have a job. Most have a family, some have kids, so we understand that RL can interfere with the best made plans.
We are looking for members who understand that not everyone can be online everytime, members who can think on their own and still can integrate in a group. Members who try to get better, don’t cause “Drama” and don’t take themself or the game too serious.

Want to join ?

Are you sure ? Upfront – we do not have a fixed application process. Normally you get invited and after a while we will see how you get along with the rest of the guild. If everything is fine you will get full membership.

If you still want to join you can:

  • apply here
  • PM me
  • contact me by email: ondoki(at)

If you have any questions feel free to contact me.


Code of Conduct for Critical Failure Members

This wall of text is here to clarify things and to prepare a common ground. Failures to comply might lead to an admonishment, gross digressions to immediate removal from the guild. Just mentioning.

See this Code of Conduct as most a basic ruleset. If we think we need special rules (like for special situations like PvP, group contend,…) those will be posted in the corresponding game section. Overall we try to keep it simple and won’t regulate too many things.
Also, most things here should be common sense, but I don’t trust mine, so how can I trust yours?*

General Behaviour

If you are showing the guild tag of Critical Failure, you are no longer representing yourself alone, but us as a guild. Jackassery of any colour (derogatory, racial or sexist remarks in any chat channel of the game or forums associated with the game), initiating flamewars or dramamongering, inside and outside the guild will not be permitted.

Behaviour in Groups

Sudden, unannounced and prolonged AFKs, ninja looting, provoking wipes and other disruptive behaviour that irks the rest of the group should be avoided. Playing to the parser and e-peening will definitely be scoffed at and, if being repeated, will have consequences.

Behaviour in pre-planned Events (e.g. Raids, PVP Events)

Most important rule: be on time. That doesn’t mean logging on at 18:59 when the event starts at 19:00 and THEN rushing to get the items/drinks/gear necessary. Or having to run across the world because the recall ability is down and no waypoint / whatever in sight and you’re in the wrong zone for the event anyways. Combined with that: be prepared. Conveniently “forgetting” to buy necessary consumables and leaving needed gear at bank or somewhere else is NO fun for anyone. Always keep in mind: whatever you do, all other members are waiting for you.
Make yourself familiar with your role – in doubt, ask a raid leader. Oh, and the parser and e-peening part from above? Applies here, too.

Common Sense. You have it. Use it.