Cronos Corporation / CRONOSCORP

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Resources

Welcome to Cronos Corporations, we don’t want to take over the galaxy, we just want to make it better. With our dedication to providing freelance services, transportation, resource gathering and delivery, we’re certain to make excellent profits and control some portion of the free market.


“The leaders of this group do not mandate our members to join in with activities but always offer help and incentives for helping the guild. We will help you gain the knowledge and power to get what you want. We strive to have balanced game play from Trading, Mining, Bounty hunts and everything in between. We are chill but get shit done at the same time. We also wont leave you in space and we will teach you about the game, because the better you are.. the better WE are.” – PhillyHunt – CEO

“Looking for the best PvE and PvP guild? With the most competent raiders and hardcore PvPers ready and willing to teach you their tricks? Well we’re not that guild, but if you want a group of laid back dudes who like pizza and beer, this may be the guild for you!” – Kola – CEO

“Friendly group but we bullshit and make fun of each other so don’t get butt hurt leave your feelings at the door BITCH!” – Krimsin – Board Member

“Must have good mic and Discord.” – Dank – Board Member


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.