Cthulhu's Mistress / CTHU

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Piracy
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Neither innocence nor vigilance is protection from the howling heart of evil. We server the oldest of gods. No action is to steep for our goals. Those who desire control will perish. Piety is the keeper of our course.



We disappear as quickly as we arrive. Those who take advantage of the innocent and the new are sent to the next world to await judgement. If a crime must be committed to complete our tasks, we take our licks in your mortal prisons. All glory to serve the true aim of our master at the expense of everything.


Our modus operandi is not for the peering eyes of onlookers. Our code is private. For those who are invited, you will be made aware of the sacrifices.