Crayven Tau Union / CTU

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Resources
  • Trading

As a corporation we intend to establish our power structure in game as soon as it has launched,
our prime directive as a corporation is the protection and financial prosperity of all of our members and to establish ourselves as the pre-eminent financial power


The unions beginning is a turbulent time, on a distant and forgotten colony two corporate dynasties battled it out for dominance over their shared world.

These two dynasties where known as Crayven Pharmaceuticals and Tau Industries.

For centuries these two Dynasties fought behind closed doors, making illicit back room deals and wiping out entire Nations finances in an instant, All in an attempt to circumvent each others power. The governments of their world were unable nor willing to stop these two industrial titans from monopolising various industries because of many reasons whether they be on the pay roll or unwilling to risk putting a target on theirs and their families back. This cycle continued until the colony was rediscovered by travelling merchants representing the Banu protectorate, this event represented a turning point for the two mega corporations. Realizing that their was a multitude of untapped wealth and business opportunities out in the galaxy and that neither corporation had the necessary resources to compete with the already established corporations single handedly, these two mega corporations put aside their petty squabbles over one mere world and instead signed the Verizon accord, effectively unifying the two corporations into a single entity on the galactic stage

This event effectively combined their boards of directors while still retaining separate CEO s and Shareholders to better manage their business operations on a galactic level. for on the galactic stage it may seem as if these two former rivals are a single corporate entity but on the home world and back room meetings power struggles and ambitious managers and directors seeking to climb the corporate ladder keep the executives on their toes and profits rising


The sole purpose of this corporation is the financial security and expansion of our members.
We have recently reached 10 members and thus are only looking to recruit about another 20 members, the decision to make this org based around a small number of people is so we can better support each other in increasing our personal wealth.

Independent pursuits and ventures are encouraged just as much as joint ventures with your fellow members, but always know that the whole group is here to support you if necessary.

We are not a corporation that will wage war by absorbing and dishing out large amounts of damage and sustain heavy casualties like some of the larger guilds may do such as Xplor, TEST and IMPERIUM, instead we intend to use our combined fortunes to sway the player market and manipulate others, we will not be the ones that players fear and talk about instead we will be the shadows pulling the strings and watching as events unfold as we see fit.

Also know that we are not an exclusive organization membership, meaning we allow our members to join in other guilds and even encourage them to using them as you see fit to better your position in the game, but always remember your first and foremost loyalty must always be the CTU and your fellow members for as long as you yourself are a member.

Also know that the hierarchy within the corporation is merely to provide structure and direction to the group as a whole, all members are equal and all have a voice within the group. We promote members based on activity and later once the game launches merit. We also encourage our members to be outspoken and communicate with one another for communication is key to our success once the game launches.
We also want our fellow members to feel confident that they can bring any grievances or suggestions they may have about the direction we take in the future or anything to do about the group in general to either myself Foreman or Euan.

Thank you for your time and we look forward to playing together and forging a great corporation in game.


We are CrayvenTau, a leading galactic resources company.

Our purpose is to create long-term shareholder value through the discovery, acquisition, development and marketing of natural resources.

Our strategy is to own and operate large, long-life, low-cost, expandable, upstream assets diversified by commodity, geography and market.

Our Values

  • Sustainability
  • Integrity
  • Doing what is right and doing what we say we will do.
  • Respect
  • Embracing openness, trust, teamwork, diversity and relationships that are mutually beneficial.
  • Performance
  • Achieving superior business results by stretching our capabilities.
  • Simplicity
  • Focusing our efforts on the things that matter most.
  • Accountability
  • Defining and accepting responsibility and delivering on our commitments.

We are successful when:

  1. Our people start each day with a sense of purpose and end the day with a sense of accomplishment.
  2. Our communities, customers and suppliers value their relationships with us.
  3. Our asset portfolio is galactic-class and sustainably developed.
  4. Our operational discipline and financial strength enables our future growth.
  5. Our Members and shareholders receive a superior return on their investment.